Comments on: 10 Viable Cars Yet to be Introduced in Pakistan Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 15 Nov 2021 16:56:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chan Mehboob Mon, 09 Mar 2020 08:42:24 +0000 It seems that these auto companies have developed an understanding to monoplize our market with the help of government officials and so called politicians. Each company has producing its products like suzuki is producing small hatchbacks, honda and toyota sedans not small hatchbacks. So are our people who do not bother to buy other than these. Althought the buyer also do not have more choices. The new comers are also intoducing some costly cars which are quite unaffordable for majority of our buyers. Government is not paying any attention towards it. Government can not bound the companies to follow international standards and safty measures . Government should encourage and facilitate the new comers to introduce low budget cars by lifting so many taxes she says it is a huge surce of its income. Anyhow our buyer is suffering alot. No one is there to facilitate him.
