Comments on: 2020 Saw Discontinuation of 3 Suzuki Cars in Pakistan Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 13 Nov 2021 18:28:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khurram Thu, 29 Oct 2020 02:52:18 +0000 In reply to Gust.

I agree, however, as to Mega Carry’s case, I would like to add that price was a big question mark. Why would one pay 3million for it when a diesel truck from Hino or Toyota is available with a similar size engine in an almost similar budget. I mean Mega Carry was rugged but still people love that big roaring sound of a diesel engine and Toyota or Hino badge means a lot.
As for Ciaz, I agree with bhai Usman, instead of taking it off the shelf, Pak Suzuki should have assembled it locally, the management could have offered it with a smaller engine as well.

By: Gust Wed, 28 Oct 2020 01:53:04 +0000 Mega Carry, Swift and Ciaz; were modern technology. Ok the Swift was not as modern as what Suzuki offers in other countries but it was the most modern PakSuzuki product at the time of its launch.

Similarly the Mega Carry was light years ahead of Suzuki Ravi in terms of technology despite being a feature-bare version. It had front discs, vacuum booster, 16-valve EFI &c.

Not only have these vehicle been discontinued, they didn’t ever sell in measurable quantities just because PakSuzuki didn’t show any interest in properly marketing them. Classic case of 4 Ps and 4 Cs where the Product was good but the Price and Promotion wasn’t.

Seems like PakSuzuki is content with selling those ancient models and won’t pay attention to the better things they can offer to the society (mind you whatever they offer is for-profit, it isn’t a charity). Is this how much respect they have for themselves?
