Comments on: 2023 Honda City Facelift Debuts in India Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 05 Mar 2023 13:10:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: TPMS is old tech, bring on TPCS/CTIS! Sun, 05 Mar 2023 13:10:30 +0000 In reply to TPMS should be standard here too!.

TPMS for new vehicles is compulsory in many countries. You can get some info here:

You must also take note that TPMS display matters. In some vehicles it is just an underinflation warning light without any specific details.

Whereas some systems give full detail of tyre pressure and temperature in real-time, which not only gives specific detail about underinflation, it gives info in case of overinflation too.

The TPMS has a fundamental limitation that it can only inform you about the pressure and temperature. If the pressure is too low or too high, it cannot take action about it and you have to go to a tyre shop to increase the pressure in case it is low! Cue TPCS & CTIS.

TPCS = Tire Pressure Control System
CTIS = Centralized Tyre Inflation System

These systems come with automatic system in which you can select tyre pressure for each axle (all the tyres on the same axle will be increased/decreased to the same temperature). These systems are easier to adapt on heavy trucks because already the pneumatic system is running the power steering, brakes and gearshift.

Also useful on SUVs where it is fitted with a separate compressor where the driver can quickly reduce the tyre pressure when encountering soft sand/mud/ice and quickly increase it again when on pavement. On the fly, without stopping or as much as braking!

Could OGRA pioneer the TPCS by updating  “Road Transport Vehicles, Containers and Equipment for Transportation of Petroleum” on this page This is a document of paramount importance also mentioned here before

By: TPMS should be standard here too! Sat, 04 Mar 2023 17:59:00 +0000 Special eye-catching point in the whole article: TPMS comes as standard in 7th gen facelift Honda City in India.

Given India’s status as a colonially-ravaged, still-developing, dirt poor, third-world country, the vehicle safety (and environmental) measures are fairly advanced and totally at par with any advanced country. You can see a brief detail here: Vehicle safety timeline in India:

In the same comments section this post can also be seen: TPMS’ effect on accident reduction, the questions posed in that comment seem to have gone unnoticed. Is TPMS compulsory in any country of the world? Would compulsory TPMS benefit Pakistanis in any way? Please publish an article about this seemingly innocuous safety feature.
