Comments on: Are Auto Consumers of Pakistan Being Given a Fair Deal? Part 1 Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 03 Jul 2023 00:44:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Links to the whole series (in part 1) Mon, 03 Jul 2023 00:43:40 +0000 June 20, 2023:
June 25, 2023:
July 01, 2023:
July 02, 2023:

By: Major deterrent in new engine choices Fri, 23 Jun 2023 03:41:18 +0000 Quote: "We do not get the 1L Boosterjet engine option which is more powerful, is better on fuel, and being a 1L engine, falls into a lower tax bracket."

Newer, light-weight, more thermally efficient, more fuel efficient, more reliable, more durable, more smooth engines & low noise also require latest technology fuel.

It is a point of concern how everyone finds fault with the auto industry so easily and entire websites of blogs and forums are dedicated (rightfully so) to the purpose — however, the fuel-making industry consisting of state-owned enterprises as well as private-owned enterprises not only completely escapes any scrutiny, noone even thinks about it. Usually there is no mention of it. Even if we see various forums, the max people think about fuel is how much the petrol pump is stealing on volume. No more, no less.

When there is, why isn’t there any
If there is, why isn’t there a parallel
There is, why no
There is, why no
There is, why no
If there is, why no
There is, why is there no

We must remember that the fuels are not only used in cars, but a large quantity is consumed in power generation too, adding to pollution and diseases hence the impact of poor fuel choices is not limited to the transportation sector.

In Pakistan, the 5 fuel refineries (PRL, NRL, PARCO, BYCO, ATTOCK) are giving out Euro2 petrol. Four refineries are producing Euro2 diesel. One refinery NRL is finally selling Euro5 diesel. There is another ENAR Pterotech refining unit in Karachi West but there is no info on what it actually does.
Even this Euro2 fuel does not fulfill the specified octane #, so it is over-concentrated with forbidden harmful chemicals i.e. MMT to achieve the required octane #.

While the automakers are pathetic, pathetic, pathetic for keeping the Pakistani consumer backwards, they must be given the benefit of doubt in subsections related to selection and offering of latest engine tech. And partly to blame is the apathetic stakeholder attitude towards fuel quality, fuel technology and fuel chemistry.
