Comments on: Around 296,000 Customer Info Leaked Via Toyota T-Connect Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 09 Oct 2022 07:22:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: TruongNguyen Sun, 09 Oct 2022 07:22:39 +0000 ]]> This is just a huge “saazish” by the corrupt Chinese because of how jealous they are of the Good Old Toyota Way and their innovations! 🤪

By: Toyota's subcons hacked again? Sun, 09 Oct 2022 03:50:10 +0000 Toyota suppliers being hacked ever so often, why don’t they focus on InfoSec more?

Now every country has laws that if you cannot protect data you are not worthy of keeping it, you get fined. Loss of data is a loss, doubly loss is the loss of customer confidence, triply loss is the hefty fines put upon you.

“Toyota said a contractor developing the T-Connect website accidentally uploaded parts of the source code with public settings from December 2017 to September 15 this year”

What does source code have to do with the database? Most server software already open source, yet others aren’t leaking anything. This looks like a jab at OSS/FS movement.
