Comments on: Auto Industry Monitoring Committee to Discuss Increase in Car Prices Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 28 Mar 2022 17:48:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Mon, 28 Mar 2022 17:48:24 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

Mostly just for show/Drama bazi.

By: Khurram Mon, 28 Mar 2022 06:02:57 +0000 In reply to Imran.

Very-well surmised my good sir.

By: Khurram Mon, 28 Mar 2022 06:02:39 +0000 In reply to Imran.

Very well put together indeed my good brother.

By: Imran Sun, 27 Mar 2022 19:45:43 +0000 In reply to Disproportionate increase.

Have you ever seen India or any other country controlling auto prices but instead they devise a system so it doesn’t happen. Secondly, auto assemblers here are very well aware that whatever increase in prices is, they will be able to sell their cars because their targeted buyers has no problem in affording. You may have seen people (buyers) voicing for early or timely but not for increases. Its people like us raising concerns over price issue who are more than 95% of the population and only dream of buying one.
USD plays huge role in deciding prices of any product since this country almost produces nothing not even good polices that can even on the paper revolutionise systems or peple life. Price is being impacted at double rate, one due to US dollar going updard then other raw materials(imported also in USD) as in this case for car production becoming costlier atleast as we are being told. Then shipping costs also in USD becoming higher. I don’t have any reliable source to verify whether there is a rise in raw materials and shipment costs but people from from PW are justfying it as they most of the time do. So asuming above as true, it’s not just 3% but more. That’s a why country’s policy and economic conditions are to be blamed more than these assemblers who are only after money and no the charity.

By: TruongNguyen Sun, 27 Mar 2022 18:58:05 +0000 πŸ₯΄]]> In reply to Ali Khan.

Correct! They themselves increase their own prices and then they form this “committee” to discuss those increase in prices…. bhai wah! πŸ™ƒπŸ₯΄

By: Ali Khan Sun, 27 Mar 2022 09:05:54 +0000 In reply to Imran.

The government can and does practice price cap regulation and revenue regulation. Mostly, this is done for utilities or food items etc. However, when the need arises, it can be applied to any industry.

Examples can be when the government announces price caps on food items or utilities rates or fuel. This is no different. Such cap laws are also to ensure that when an industry has a monopoly of players, those players do not take unfair advantage of that monopoly.

Unfortunately in the case of our government, all the major players who are the main hinderance in the proper implementation of any effective auto policies in the country are sitting in on and advising all the committees designed to monitor and question these same companies on their business practices. It is a very flawed system where the robber barons themselves are the ones dictating policy; And the government is least bothered to do its own research and investigations. Its a pure win for the companies. In this case the auto assemblers who are infecting Pakistan.,utility%20industries%20around%20the%20world.,Revenue%20cap%20regulation%20is%20a%20form%20of%20incentive%20regulation%20that,monopolies%20sanctioned%20by%20a%20government.

By: Disproportionate increase Sat, 26 Mar 2022 19:28:35 +0000 In reply to Imran.

How can the government force them on prices when they can’t ensure the stability of local currency?

Do you agree that the price increase is not proportional to the increase in dollar rate? It has been extensively discussed in the articles and under-printed comments that a 3% increase in dollar rate results in a overblown 11+% increase in price.

By: Imran Sat, 26 Mar 2022 10:08:50 +0000 How can the government force them on prices when they can’t ensure the stability of local currency. With there no localisation in the the view for a foreseeable future, these prices will continue move upward.
It’s also a fact that people will continue to buy no matter how much increase in prices thereto is. They are even buying on premium. It’s the auto assemblers who are unable to meet the demands in a timely manner. Look at the delivery schedules. Almost more than 90% of the buyers are with deep pockets. A common man cannot even afford a motorcycle let alone a car.
This country is becoming unliveable for middle and lower class which comprises most of the population. It’s very easy for aut assemblers to target less than 5% of the population and manage profit at their will. They came here withiis mind set and blaming only them is not fair 100%.
People of this country must learn to live without dreams of good transportation and accommodation.

By: TruongNguyen Sat, 26 Mar 2022 08:31:46 +0000 πŸ˜‘]]> >committee made for monitoring car industry shenanigans
>will discuss the frequent prices increases of new cars and cars after launch
>one of the members is PAMA aka Suzuki Honda and Toyota
>Suzuki, Honda and Toyota all have increased their prices for their current and new cars (new Civic and Swift)
>they are literally going to discuss their own price hikes

what kind of clown show is this?? πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‘

By: Zali Sat, 26 Mar 2022 07:57:48 +0000 What a shame not a single representative of consumers included in the committee who are the end users and real effectees. This shows how seriouly consumers are taken by the authorites of Pakista.
