Comments on: Auto Industry Wants Import Curbs to End Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 12 Feb 2023 05:19:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: What auto industry wants vs what it should do Sun, 12 Feb 2023 05:19:49 +0000 According to PAMA and PAAPAM reality, the direct and indirect controls imposed on the opening of letters of credit (LCs) not fulfilling the historic mandate of localization by the PAMA & PAAPAM members are the prime cause of the above industrial breakdown.

It has been more than 6 months that PAMA has been “concerned” and since 3 months they have had to observe NPDs but what steps did they take to avoid importing things? To convert their business into a non-import-dependent way of working? Isn’t it logical to think that to avoid an obstacle, they should think out of the box instead of hugging that obstacle and keep acting victim? The management of these companies should report to the shareholders & the public about the concrete technological actions they took to resolve their problem instead of the PR exercise acting victims of their own destiny.

By: Ali Khan Fri, 03 Feb 2023 12:53:37 +0000 The government doesn’t seem to be doing its job. the parts imports should be down to zero by now! Food items and basic living necessities take priority. These are hundreds of millions bring diverted to extreme non-essential items! The imports must go down to zero.

They did not localize for thirty years, now the old three freeloaders are the ones making the biggest noise. The gluttons are hungry for their free food. The basic needs of the people be damned! They need their profits.
Why didn’t they think of their workers before this? If they, both the auto assemblers and the parts vendors, had diversified and entered the export market, today they would not be facing this issue. If the local brands, especially the old three, had utilized their three decades here wisely they would have localized enough parts that now the imports would not be such a big cost and the government would allow it. they would be fine now. IF they had done the right thing!

Now, they must suffer the consequences of their own short sighted greed.
