Comments on: Auto Sector Demands Car Scrappage Policy Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 10 Mar 2021 16:39:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khurram Wed, 10 Mar 2021 16:39:45 +0000 This article is really informative, keep up the good work bhai Usman

By: waqas Tue, 09 Mar 2021 11:00:46 +0000 Years to be I’am in France despite the hard policy on automotive, there is no policy about cars older than or scrapped, just a week before i’ve been in Paris where i seen a ford mustang of 1960 or 70 riding right beside my car.
They are only policy about limiting the usage of diesel car on city since they are more dangerous for environment and people health.
What pakistan need to modernize is rickshaw, we got sazgar who is doing good with is rikchaw, it should be mendatory to replace the old suzuki/chingchi by the sazgar one, emitting less polution and less noise.

By: Ali Khan Tue, 09 Mar 2021 09:04:45 +0000 100% agreed.
This scrappage policy will cause more harm than good if not properly thought out.
Most buyers in the country are of older used cars. If government want them to move to new cars, which is very commendable, then do what is necessary. Lower the tax rates and force the companies to lower their profit margins. 50% reduction in both taxes and profits must be the target. That way more people will be able to afford new cars and sales will increase.
Any companies involved in pushing this; do your part! Move your business models from over-priced “premium” to a more volume sales model.

By: Lots of questions Tue, 09 Mar 2021 08:23:42 +0000 Emissions: Auto industry doesn’t want to upgrade their products to Euro5 but wants old cars off the road so they can gouge the customers more and more by widening the supply & demand gap of transportation.

Fuel efficiency: PakSuzuki only came up with fuel efficiency EFI upgrade for Mehran in 2012 to meet the regulatory deadline. Before, they were selling the carburetor version which had higher fuel consumption so why this sudden stomachache about fuel economy & air quality?

In developed countries there is no concept of “age” of vehicle, which is irrelevant and meaningless. Vehicle have to pass fitness test, if they cannot pass fitness test, they go to the crusher. Fitness test is a comprehensive examination which includes structural integrity, fuel efficiency, emissions etc. If old car passes fitness test, it is roadworthy. New car doesn’t pass fitness test, it is not roadworthy.

Re: India. India already made policies such as gradual exclusion of 2-stroke engines from urban centers. As India’s greater part of population is very poor, they cannot uplift the entire country with the same policy.
