Comments on: Automakers Preparing to Increase Car Prices Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 06 Mar 2022 01:05:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khurram Mon, 30 Aug 2021 03:00:52 +0000 In reply to U-turn?.

I am sorry for not writing fully, I didn’t realise people are reading my comments doggedly and memorising them.
However, my dear, I suggest you drink coffee, snap your fingers, shake your head and then re-read what I have written because the article is pointing out price and nowhere it is bringing in safety. Therefore, it is quite clear that when I am talking about automakers using steel produced by Ship breaking yard in Gwadar, I mean that using this locally produced steel would take away chance from automakers for increasing car prices amid inclining imported steel prices.
As for powerless steel….. well, as long as my car does not get damaged, by a pig head bike rider ramming into it while the vehicle is parked, and costs me too much of body repair I would prefer a least priced and unsafe steel being used in it. So there you go I believe I have stuck with my usual history of displaying high level of eman, as you have put it.
P.S. I think, as far as I can recall, I have always used word most of people in our society in my comments because I know that our society also contains people like Mullah Omar and those poor people have never driven a vehicle in their entire lives.

By: U-turn? Sat, 28 Aug 2021 10:12:14 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

According to your comments history (if you are the same person commenting under the same pseudonym), you hate safety measures: crash protection, structural rigidity, brake-assist, ABS, EPS, air bags, seat belts and the others. According to you it must be up to the driver to keep her senses, manage emotions, keep alert and avoid all sorts of mishap. If people promote safety features in the comments, you accuse them of trusting material things over God and having low quality of imaan.
Now you have posted the comment opposite of what you have been preaching all the time. Either it is another person or suddenly you’ve ignored all those concepts about others’ imaan you’ve been claiming. If one is to go by your comments history, you would have been pursuing as “powerless” steel as possible while at the same time judging the drivers’ incompetence as well as accusing the entire society of being corrupt and low moral standard.

By: Bloody Civilian Wed, 25 Aug 2021 18:29:58 +0000 It is extremely important to open up full commercial import of CBU units at low duty/tax to provide genuine competition to local assemblers. Otherwise, cartelization and unjust fleecing of consumers will continue.

By: Bloody Civilian Wed, 25 Aug 2021 18:21:40 +0000 Price reduction was a sham. It was already expected that after price reduction due to tax/duty reduction, car makers would increase price under one excuse or another to further increase already high profits and bring prices back in line with previous prices.

It only took 2 months after budget.

By: Ali Khan Tue, 24 Aug 2021 18:53:06 +0000 Ok, fine. Raw material costs and freight charges and chip costs are going up or have gone up.
These local assemblers and vendors have to increase prices.
But all the increases are temporary. They will come down.
The main question here is, will the local companies decrease prices once the costs DO come down?
What steps will the government take to ensure that will happen?

By: Khurram Tue, 24 Aug 2021 08:00:44 +0000 At the time taxes were being reduced, auto websites conjectured that the companies for some reason would increase prices and thus increase prices and enhance their profits as the gap left by taxes would remain the same. I guess this reason is one, hopefully it shall remain the only factor.
However, one thing is intriguing, can’t the car assemblers like our local truck assemblers, individual body creating shops, use steel produced by our ship scraping industry?
I have heard one Shehzore owner, during travels, that it is so powerful that when he got into accident with Daewoo bus the cabin survived to great extent, the steel absorbed the impact.

By: Frust Tue, 24 Aug 2021 02:37:08 +0000 Around 70% to 80% of a typical passenger car is […] imported […]”

That is why opening up the imports is so important. Because the local “industry” has no “manufacturing”. It is just “assembling” of “imported” “spare parts” so why not import the entirely made CBU in the first place.
