Comments on: Big News for Honda Customers in Pakistan Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 15 May 2023 19:09:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Mon, 15 May 2023 19:09:43 +0000 One question that comes to mind here.

As we know according to the rules of importing cars to Pakistan, the importer has to ensure that all taxes are paid with money arranged and generated at the site of purchase outside of Pakistan. Shouldn’t this rule also apply to these local assemblers who import CKD kits and parts in large quantities for local assembly?

If that is not the case, this gross oversight should be addressed. Import is import; whether it is of CBU cars or CKD kits/parts. Both should be treated the same.

Honda is again open for business. Fanboys rejoice! but the really bad downside is that it will again add to the out flow of our much depleted dollar reserves. This is a big net spend on the country that will add nothing to the nation; Except enabling a company to sell extremely over priced small middle of the road compact sedans as luxury items locally only! A spend that the country can really do without. The money spend by these companies can and should be utilized for much more important things like supporting the people or local exporters.

So, is that the case? Are these companies importing parts by paying for their taxes locally? Is such blatant bias fair?
