Comments on: Business Leaders Warn, Record Petrol Prices are Intolerable Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 17 Sep 2023 18:17:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Myth Sun, 17 Sep 2023 18:17:03 +0000 As usual, the arbitrary increase in prices prove how disconnected the policy makers are from the general public!

By: Business non-innovation Sun, 17 Sep 2023 05:08:59 +0000 FPCCI is merely a part of our society and is prominently displaying our rich national cultural heritage of hypocrisy.
The fact is that understaffing, unpaid overtimes, noncompliance to EOBI and other social security contributions and the rampant wage theft is what leaves employees, staff, management, workers and laborers with absolutely no disposable income which, if they had it, would come useful in their social uplift.

This is how FPCCI defines itself: To consider, support or oppose legislative or other government measures affecting the economic interest of businessmen and Industrialists and also make representations to Government on grievances. See from the link yourself

Why are they having stomachache about citizens right now?
Instead of themselves taking action to come up with solutions, they still begging the government for support. In this regard FPCCI appears to be the same as PAMA.
