Comments on: BYD Inks Land Deal to Build First EV Plant in Thailand Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 10 Sep 2022 10:24:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Sat, 10 Sep 2022 10:24:55 +0000 🤣🤣🤣 EV battery recycling is another area where these same big name companies like CATL and BYD are among the leaders. I have shared this with you so many times. Still you sound like a broken record with your unfounded conspiracies, not even acknowledging facts.]]> In reply to Khurram.

Toyota, Honda Ford?!!! What research are you referring to? You do know Toyota is so bad at making EVs it is asking BYD to make EVs for them? You do know Tesla has acknowledged BYD’s research and production of the LFP batteries. So much so that they are BUYING the batteries from BYD to use in their EVs.

And what about the many MANY examples that I gave you of Toyota Priuses, Corollas and prados etc. burning up and almost taking their occupants with them or the famous sticking throttle pedals issue that KILLED members of a family in the US. Which even your idle idol Akio had to bow down for?

What does battery size have to do with battery recycling? Are you telling me you believe that if the battery is small, it is recycled and if it is big it cant be? In your (insult to) logic, does size change the battery chemistry? What you smokin’ dude?! 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣

EV battery recycling is another area where these same big name companies like CATL and BYD are among the leaders. I have shared this with you so many times. Still you sound like a broken record with your unfounded conspiracies, not even acknowledging facts.

By: Ahmed A A Sat, 10 Sep 2022 10:08:58 +0000 Will BYD make its way to Pakistan in any form?

By: Khurram Sat, 10 Sep 2022 03:56:07 +0000 Well, with cars created from expensive research conducted by Tesla, Toyota, Ford, Audi and Honda, there is no doubt that B.Y.D. is sourcing its expansion quicker than any other brand. Funnily enough, despite cheating, it is still not able to offer even a safe car to its customers and is replacing batteries during normal car servicing. On top of that, it is using forced Uyghur labour and even using children in mining minerals for EV batteries, no doubt batteries are there in I.C.E. cars but they are smaller and are easily recyclable whereas it is not simple to recycle an EV battery.

By: TruongNguyen Fri, 09 Sep 2022 13:52:23 +0000 I don't see any American EVs here yet... Maybe they'll launch them here some 10 years into the future? 🤔🤪]]> In reply to Ali Khan.

Funny how things were going right and then for some reason our “neutral” bodies decided that America is a more loyal and worthy friend of ours… 😁

I don’t see any American EVs here yet… Maybe they’ll launch them here some 10 years into the future? 🤔🤪

By: Ali Khan Fri, 09 Sep 2022 06:56:59 +0000 Till date the auto industry remains a burden to the economy instead of easily supporting itself (for decades). But instead the local robber barons have been allowed to have their way. I wish someone in our leadership had the character enough to wake up and smell the 🐮💩!]]> This, so easily, could have been Pakistan. The Belt road (and deals) with china established the almost “first dibs” that Pakistan got on any business venture or opportunity. If the EV policy was aggressively pursued and properly thought through, countering and fighting all limitations put in it by the old car assemblers of Pakistan, this could have been Pakistan now as well.

India was pissed at the start when Pakistan got the nod for the belt road. Now, even though, Pakistan got the Belt road, unfortunately, Chines businesses are still going elsewhere for their benefit; Like India and Thailand. So who got the last laugh here?!

As we can see from the article, BYD currently plans (and knows) to sell only around 10,000 units of its EVs locally in Thailand. The rest of the assembled units, BYD is fully focused on export. Just imagine the boost to Thailand’s economy. They made sure they do all that is required to boost the EV policy. Unlike Pakistan where the policy has now been neutered in order to protect the very crooks who are destroying the local auto industry in the first place.

And if anyone is of the argument that “Thailand is more developed with more EV infrastructure”; think again. Thailand is starting from zero here. It is in the same boat we are. BYD knows this and that is why, only 10,000 units are to be sold locally and the rest are planned for export. Thailand will build its EV infrastructure in the meantime. Pakistan started on this years ago. Still only token EV charging points have been achieved in a time span where other countries have expanded to hundreds if not thousands of EV charging stations.

The problem in not in the lack of talent or initiative in the Pakistani workforce. The problem is with the Extremely Egotistical, ignorant, easily bought people in power who unfortunately think like all who suffer severely from the Dunning-Kruger effect; that they are the only ones who understand this or can solve this; Ending up doing the most damage…

They always scream “we are actively looking for ways to increase Pakistani’s exports”. Yeah! You keep on missing the obvious. 🤦‍♂️ Till date the auto industry remains a burden to the economy instead of easily supporting itself (for decades). But instead the local robber barons have been allowed to have their way.

I wish someone in our leadership had the character enough to wake up and smell the 🐮💩!
