Comments on: Cars Sales in India & Pakistan Becoming Poles Apart Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:52:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: I tell you not to worry Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:35:01 +0000 In reply to Mehdy Hassan.

Not a big problem.
Just like other failed political, economic and national security experiments, the *local car manufacturing* will also be written as a failed experiment spanning ~1980-2024.

As car manufacturing becomes mroe tech-intensive, many nations are dropping out of the race and many new are joining in. I remember a few months ago there was a comment mentioning how there is no more car-making in Australia or NZ. Their industry went the way of the dodo bird.
But Vietnam, Thailand, India and China are progressing quickly.

In other articles and comments that I remember, it has been extensively discussed that the local car industry is the bane of the country and keeping us back by decades. As soon as they die, the need for the protectionist tax regime will also end. It is best for Pakistan for these laggards to extinguish. This will pave the way for modern, safe, fuel-economical and low-emissions vehicles to come into Pakistan, high time given the state of AQI. Pakistan’s health can’t afford these loser Euro II compliers anymore.

By: Not a Robot.. Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:52:44 +0000 In reply to Ironhide.

true that. by now we should have been around at least 25/30k units per month if not 60k+ but we have a monopolized market and govt has no interest to improve things. policies are weak and no vision whatsoever. our “leaders” aim is to get imf loan & move on, that’s it

By: Mehdy Hassan Fri, 17 Nov 2023 06:01:14 +0000 In reply to Shehzad.

black vigo on its way 🙂

By: Mehdy Hassan Fri, 17 Nov 2023 05:57:22 +0000 less then 5000 units are very hopeless numbers, and im afraid by next year many companies will wrap up & leave. its not possible to run factories hire so hundreds of employees only to sell a handful cars. otoh, just look at india, like previous comment said at least 50-60 thousands cars should sell every month but at best i think we were at 15 thousand max cars per month? sad sad sate of affairs for pakistan 🙁

By: Shehzad Fri, 17 Nov 2023 01:34:25 +0000 In reply to Ironhide.

bro i dont know if my comment will be approved but we all know the reason for Pakistan’s downfall is the army. the country is hijacked since 70 years don’t forget not a single civilian govt or a elected prime minister was allowed to complete his tenure. all this happens to due the army backed by US govt.

over here army is so strong that even a CJ can’t make any verdict without army’s consent. each n every institution has an army official deployed on top, even Suparco, the space program is headed by an ex brigadier.

there is no democratic political party that exist in Pakistan. all parties were engineered into existence by the same men in uniform, and just like playing chess they bring one party in power and throw it out a few years later. so-called leaders do not come forward on merit but are appointed from “back doors” that’s why u don’t see any progress in any area.

the thing is, US needs a financially crippled Pakistan so it can use it to accomplish its goals to destabilize the region. simply put, US needs India to keep China in check, and it wants Pakistan to keep India in check.

but then india’s progress is in front of everyone, Pakistan is literally doomed but the army is enjoying its perks and they know they are untouchables. sad we know all this but can’t do anything. best of luck to you people for all the progress

By: Ironhide Thu, 16 Nov 2023 19:31:00 +0000 India has 5.8 times population of Pakistan, so the car sales in Pakistan should be 67,500 per month when compared to 391,472 of India. Less than 5,000 is crazy.

But then Pakistan is led by Agencies whereas India is led by Narendra Modi and his team of driven and accomplished BJP ministers. I mean Piyush Goyal, Nitin Gadkari, ashwini vaishnaw, Jaishankar etc are amongst the best in the world.
