Comments on: Clarkson’s Scandal Result in End of “Grand Tour” Despite Apology Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 12 Feb 2023 12:36:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: This concept of Freedom of Speech is wrong Sun, 12 Feb 2023 12:36:07 +0000 Very unsuitable remarks to be made about anybody, regardless man or woman. This wording had passed from the writer through the editor to the reviewer to the typist and finally into print and nobody noticed it? This just shows a general lack of respect & apathy towards civility in the name of Freedom of Speech.

This is the opportunity to understand the difference between Western ideology of Freedom and Muslim ideology of Freedom. Muslims want Freedom From Insult and the modern West wants the Freedom To Insult. This is why Muslims won’t accept blasphemy against any of the Holy Prophets (and any insult even towards the common man is unacceptable as per Islamic teachings). In the recent years, the past PM of Pakistan Imran Khan has availed every event at international forums to educate them about Muslims’ extraordinary respect for Rasool Muhammad PBUH and to promote more understanding about why blasphemy is utterly unacceptable for Muslims. But from news like this, it is clear that for that culture, even their own revered figures even those having a high social status are not safe from wagging tongues.

By: Ali Khan Tue, 24 Jan 2023 18:15:22 +0000 ]]> Sources claim that Clarkson’s heavy hitters “The Grand Tour” and “Clarkson’s Farm” will come to an end after their already commissioned seasons are completed.”

Jeremy Clarkson; His own worst enemy. Just ruined a good thing (for us all). 🤦‍♂️
