Comments on: Commerce Minister Says BYD is Considering Investment Opportunities in Pakistan Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Fri, 20 Oct 2023 01:38:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hollow words? Fri, 20 Oct 2023 01:38:05 +0000 The bad habit of overselling and underdelivering is evident from this sentence in the tweet “Promised full backing”. A caretaker minister who doesn’t know if he will be in this office the next day is boasting of full backing. Even the elected or appointed ministers don’t know if they will be let to remain or become a victim of politics. It is well-known that all projects in Pakistan are personal projects, there is no guarantee of continuation of policy once a new person is on the seat. Will he give backing to BYD on a personal level?

By: Ali Khan Thu, 19 Oct 2023 18:52:55 +0000 This cannot work unless a very generous incentive package is given to these EV companies. Currently, Pakistan does not even come close to anything like that.

For one thing we have that self-defeating, arbitrary 50kWh battery tax exemption limit that will not allow any meaningful and long range EVs to be made/assembled or sold locally to make this a viable business venture. Only selling over priced lower spec. models of the BYD Atto3 or Dolphin EV hatchbacks will not do.

The EV policy must be revised and made realistic and not the play-toy of the legacy assemblers in Pakistani. Tax breaks on EVs must be increased and it must be started from either abolishing the arbitrary tax break on only 50kWh battery size or below only,


The tax break must be increased on the battery capacities to include up to 150kWh battery sizes. This is simply because, with each passing year, battery sizes in EVs (hatchbacks, sedans, SUVs) are increasing. We need to have an EV policy which is problem free enough and forward thinking enough that it can cater to the larger battery capacities.

Make these small changes, offer these and other incentives and make it attractive for the EV companies to come here and actually set up business and maybe, someday, manufacturing. Only then can we have any benefit from it. Or else they will not come or they will just become another play thing for the rich and an added burden on the economy.

By: Mehdy Hassan Thu, 19 Oct 2023 17:27:17 +0000 good news. but if BYD is coming to Pakistan, where will Khurram go now?
