Comments on: Depressing Times for Auto Sector Continues as Sales Plunge 43% Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Tue, 14 Feb 2023 16:30:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mehdy Hassan Tue, 14 Feb 2023 16:30:47 +0000 they will still announce non production days, then magically inventory will become available for 3-4 days, then again some non production days. predictable isnt it 🙂

By: Ali Khan Tue, 14 Feb 2023 11:51:44 +0000 At a time when we need every bit of foreign revenue and support just to keep the nation afloat and to cover the costs of the basic necessities, Why is this still a thing? why are the LCs for such expenses still even being discussed or entertained? First take care of the basic needs then we can think about the cars once we have the free time and cash.

These companies did not localize they did this to themselves. This current situation that they find themselves in, is of their own making. “You reap what you sow”.

Now, they are trying to get sympathy/pity votes for “all the jobs that might be/ will be lost” as well. Why didn’t that enter the equation before this? Why didn’t they do what was necessary to secure their businesses rather than just collecting their profits with both hands. Those who’s jobs are now on the line should be asking them this.

This spend must end for the nation’s sake.

By: Ali Khan Tue, 14 Feb 2023 11:36:05 +0000 ]]> In reply to Kashan.

Totally agreed! 👍

By: Kashan Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:05:18 +0000 its better these assemblers pack up & leave. unless they think about increase localization then no use
