Comments on: Diesel Smuggling Badly Denting the Economy Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Tue, 17 Oct 2023 02:54:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Propaganda or sincere? Tue, 17 Oct 2023 02:54:19 +0000 There is a lot of bull in this essay. It is total propaganda.

The post totally talks about “the smuggling of US Dollars into key sectors“, in fact what is happening is the opposite. If USD was coming in, it would be to the benefit of the economy whether it comes through official channels or it comes in shipping containers. The main problem is that the USD is going out through smuggling to Afghanistan, and also by smuggling to Dubai allegedly for major politicians as is obvious from the model Iman Ali’s case. Oh and aren’t politicians the government itself? Just remember this point and I’ll refer to it later in this comment. Recently the government has begun the crackdown on hoarding of forex and also on sumggling USD out of Pakistan which has resulted in USD coming back from 333 PKR to 280 PKR. Yet despite these obvious news, the essay chooses the wording like USD is being brought into Pakistan. Smells of bull?

illegal activities, which include fuel smuggling, gold smuggling, and black market currency exchange, have a devastating impact on Pakistan’s economic stability

No they don’t. When fuel, gold and black market currencies come into Pakistan, Pakistanis prosper. Due to the very high rate of taxes, people would otherwise be unable to afford.

There is some semblance of truth in the piece:

these actions damage the credibility of the financial system and weaken the effectiveness of monetary policies

leads to a loss of government revenue

making it harder to track and regulate economic activities

But you have to look at it from the alternate view-angle. The monetary policy is at 22% interest rate and inflation is uncontrollable. Would you want to increase the grip of a struggling monetary policy on the economy?
Finally the ugly truth comes out that the essay is only about government revenue and data collection. There is no mention of public welfare or social responsibility. Government obviously wants its revenue to fuel its frivolous activities such as consuming loads of diesel in protocol cars for VIP movement.

the report suggested that smuggled Iranian oil now commands a significant share estimated at over 30% of Pakistan’s diesel market

By now we all know that the Irani diesel is ultra-low-sulphur ULSD, has a reduced environmental impact compared to the Euro II diesel produced by 4 of the 5 local refineries. Also, Irani diesel is purchased in barter or Irani currency, but buying from the international market costs dollars, which are scarce in Pakistan. Whose purpose does the report serve? The only reason wheat is cheaper is because of Irani diesel.

smuggled diesel eventually cost the government over $1 billion annually

The essay only talks about the government’s income. Government is only 1 entity in the whole country, yet the benefits experienced by the common man and the economy go unmentioned?
The people save in taxes, forex and healthcare. They get cheaper fuel to run their economic activities, which would otherwise be impossible to do because of extremely expensive fuel. Is it a net benefit or a net loss?

unforeseen implications of import bans. These bans have resulted in the emergence of a shadow economy, with smuggling, misreporting, and product substitution becoming widespread methods of circumventing import restrictions. This has disrupted economic activity on a vast scale and has the potential to drastically increase unemployment rates, with forecasts topping 2 million people by the end of 2023.

Uh, how? I’m in no favour of smuggling. It has its own demerits and from the ethical, moral and legal POV it is wrong also but from the nationalistic, patriotic, humanitarian, socialistic and economic/financial POVs the above para is totally misleading. As if shadow economy doesn’t earn people bread? Don’t smugglers don’t pay salary to their employees? In truth, barter and avoidance of USD through smuggling is what is getting spare parts & fuel to factories and this is how businesses are keeping people employed.

What purpose does the essay serve other than to increase government oversight and government revenue. The erosion of the freedoms afforded to the common man by the constitution seems to be the main recommendations of the report.

By: Ali Khan Wed, 11 Oct 2023 17:20:48 +0000 So let me get this straight; our dear leaders are just now waking up and realizing problems that are decades old!

This shows again that our government is a reactive one and not a proactive one. And even its reactions are dead slow!
