Comments on: Exploring the Timeless Charm of the Ford Cortina Mark I Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Tue, 26 Nov 2024 08:03:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ahmed Irfan Shafqat Tue, 26 Nov 2024 08:03:26 +0000 ]]> In reply to UsmanAnsari.

Amazing digging. Thanks a lot 🙏

By: Ahmed Irfan Shafqat Tue, 26 Nov 2024 08:01:36 +0000 ]]> Yet another wonderful write-up. This article about this car has reminded me of a 10 year old child (me) in mid 70s in Islamabad 🙂

By: Thanks thanks Tue, 19 Mar 2024 05:43:17 +0000 In reply to UsmanAnsari.

Thank you for digging into this. The 3 links you’ve posted are pure treasures, and it would benefit the readers to read those complete articles.

By: UsmanAnsari Tue, 19 Mar 2024 01:41:23 +0000 In reply to Memories of Ford Cortina.

Did some digging on my end & found this:

Ali Automobiles used to assemble Ford Cortina in Pakistan in the pre-Bangladesh era.
Syed Wajid Ali, who was commissioned officer of Indian Army before partition, a philanthropist and a chairman of Packages, Wazir Ali Industries, and many industries in Pakistan, started Ali Automobiles, he also incorporated Wazir Ali Engineering in 1963, for engineering and heavy Industries. Wazir Ali Engineering made assembly tools, night vision devices and hollow plate bridges for army and later introduced Lambretta Scooter, in 1962, this Italian brand motorcycle produced through progressive manufacturing.

Sadly, after Bhutto’s nationalization program Ali Automobiles was also taken over by the govt & like most industries was probably met with a slow death.

By: Memories of Ford Cortina Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:31:43 +0000 From my childhood I remember 1 or 2 cars nearby with that distinct 120° taillight shape. The chrome part had definitely fallen off by that time. These cars weren’t kept care of the way people treated Toyotas and Datsuns. It wasn’t odd to see the for sale ad in Dawn, because you know only a connoisseur would buy it for good money so why bother trying to sell it in the Friday market or in Urdu classifieds, though people who would convert it into a yellow-black taxi would also give good money for it.

Always thought it was an American car but looked small on the street compared to the Chruslers and Dodges. Now we know it was a British design.

P.S. What is the Ali Automobiles Ltd.? Are they still around? Have they moved to other businesses or have they totally become obsolete?
