Comments on: Fantasizing Mitsubishi X-Force in Pakistan Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 07 Feb 2024 17:37:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Learning social studies together with automotive Wed, 07 Feb 2024 17:37:58 +0000 In reply to Not a Robot...

The missing something part is right.

Most of the factories are owned by the diaspora Chinese in there.
These Chinese are not citizens nor native to the land, neither are they immigrants. They were enslaved by the British and brought from Hong Kong as slaves to work on the rubber plantations.

The Malay population is called “bhoomi putra”, you can easily understand it, it is a Hindi word and can be translated as “son of the soil”.

Now both the UK and China pressurize Malaysia to give nationality to these diaspora Chinese. To which Malaysia answers to UK that these are the descendants of your slaves, we were ourself a slave nation colonized by UK till 1967, we haven’t caused them problems and cannot be held responsible for the reparations, why should we give them nationality? You can take them to UK.
China also pressurizes Malaysia to give these people the citizenship. To which Malaysia answers that why is China rooting for them? Obviously because China considers them one of their own. So why doesn’t China repatriate them to China now?

Apparently none of the the 3, Malaysia, UK and China want a solution to this problem. They rather maintain the status quo so the countries can apply political pressure on each other, and as and when required, economic sanctions too on the basis of “human rights violation”.

The diaspora Chinese are amazingly resilient and have made a fortune out of their misfortune. Slaves no more but not citizens either, they live as 2nd class residents but still due to their hard work and perseverance, they are the owners of many large companies and factories.

As a formidable economic power, the diaspora Chinese want to apply their culture. However the Malay citizenry and government are majorly Muslim, so they want their culture to prevail. Behind the superficial veil of a multi-ethnic and culturally diverse tourist country, there is a lot of hidden-in-plain-sight friction. Chinese girls routinely get fined for wearing “immodest” clothes in parks and streets (I also remember reading news of this kind a few years ago in our local newspapers too, the news — probably a propaganda piece — tried to pose Malaysia as the ultimate example of Islam). The Malays pressurize the government to implement “modesty laws”. The government has immense pressure from China and UK and the economic importance of the diaspora Chinese. As a result the umrah packages and the other abcxyz is partly one of the ways to appease the public – the government wants to appear like it is supporting Islamic virtue one way or the other.

Summarizing it “no one ever has a problem” is simply not true. Also, modest clothing is one of the basic requirements in Islam and labeling it words like radical isn’t correct. Although we should note that Islam is very vast and focusing 24×7×365 on the size of women’s clothing and meanwhile refusing to pay attention to all other aspects of Islam is a great injustice in fact an extremist approach. There must be a balanced approach.

Lastly if somebody thinks any of the details are incorrect then please reply below to further deepen the discussion.

By: Not a Robot.. Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:45:41 +0000 beautiful girls 🙂 and an even more beautiful car 😀

besides, can’t understand Malaysia or Indonesia are Muslim countries, even Indonesia has some very good policies for state-supported umrah for newly married couples etc. but when we look at their auto shows,, girls easily wear mini skirts and revealing scanty clothes and no one ever has a problem. why only Islam in the subcontinent is so radicalized? or am I missing something?

By: Mehdy Hassan Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:40:44 +0000 that’s a great-looking SUV but there are couple of problems, #1 Nissan has ruined Mitsubishi, #2 Ghandhara sux. 🙂
