Comments on: Former Audi Boss Becomes First VW Board Member Sentenced Over Diesel Scandal Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Thu, 29 Jun 2023 10:23:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Difference between accountability in east & west Thu, 29 Jun 2023 10:23:31 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

It has already been happening but in the Japanese way. Toyoda bows down, done and dusted in 2 minutes, but Ghosn gets charged and the drama drags for decades. Read on:

Look here: (Link to the article and comments sections resolving to 127.0.01 now but you can find the article cached on Google Search, but the comments are not browseable by the search crawler so they will not come up).

In some far eastern cultures, xenophobia is rampant so the locals always bow down but the foreigners always get punished. The brains begin self-shame-hamstering when a foreigner has proved to be result-oriented. If the legal trial cannot be conducted due to reasons, the media trial is enough to get the desired results. You can see the news of foreign scapegoats being subject to the usual defamatory accusations 1. embezzlement, 2. fraud, 3. tax evasion, 4. s*xual harrassment. The worst tactic in the game is usually to plant a decoy who cries r*pe on the behest of the people with vested interests and ulterior motives (m2f or m2m only, f2m or f2f never gets any support from the public). Common happening even in western cultures, whenever there is a successful man climbing the last ladder of success, around 10 to 15 women come forward to claim that he r*ped them 45 years ago. Logical question is if he spent his time planning and perpetrating such activities then when did he put effort on enhancing his career? Surely he hasn’t wasted a single second of time that’s how he has reached the top-of-the-top in the competition. But the public doesn’t think logically. All the males & females are jealous of this successful man and they gain great pleasure from his public humiliation and media trial.

For eastern cultures, the governments go with this flow because there are various national level political benefits from this. It sways public opinion in favor of locals getting those jobs which have big fat salaries and doors closed on competent foreigners. It keeps money within the country because foreigner can never be a citizen or buy property there hence full incentive to repatriate money to their home-country or any third country of residence.

But this scenario will not run for long. In western economies (and western eastern economies) women don’t want to give birth so the population is wiping out quickly, leaving the ground open to Middle East, Africa, South Asia which are replicating like bunnies.

By: Ali Khan Wed, 28 Jun 2023 19:36:03 +0000 I wonder when this kind of accountability will reach the heads of the Japanese car companies instead of just having them bow?
