Comments on: Goods Transporters Suspend Operations After Fuel Hike Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 20 Jun 2022 05:25:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Societal representations Mon, 20 Jun 2022 05:25:37 +0000 In reply to Not a Robot...

Sadly, this is Pakistani culture, there is no freedom of alternative thought, no other thought process other than the mainstream thought process is acceptable.

By: Ali Khan Sun, 19 Jun 2022 16:43:18 +0000 In reply to Not a Robot...

When people write in their blogs, their articles are and should be open for discussion. If points of view are different, they can generate constructive discussion to understand them. We are allowed to do that on CSPK.

On the other two, forget it. It’s their point of view with no room for discussion. That is like selective democracy. You can say things as long as they jive with what they are saying.

At least own up to what you have written and be able to defend it rather then simply stopping people from commenting and/or disagreeing with you.

By: Not a Robot.. Sun, 19 Jun 2022 07:55:26 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

exactly… and that shouldn’t be the case. just go and see on any international blog there are many comments below where members dont go with the author narrative but the comments are there for everyone to read.. i mean why so afraid and filter them out? and ironically why they only allow the selective garbage to be published 🙂

By: Ali Khan Sun, 19 Jun 2022 00:55:15 +0000 ]]> In reply to Mehdy Hassan.

I agree with you on that front. I have commented on propakistani many times but the comment never gets approved. It’s like they know they did not give the whole picture or miscommunicated a news piece, they just don’t want it pointed out. 😯

By: Ali Khan Sun, 19 Jun 2022 00:49:06 +0000 In reply to Founder reader.

I stand corrected. Agreed. It did not start out that way but it has become a commercialized mess.

By: Founder reader Sat, 18 Jun 2022 11:30:53 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

QUOTING “That blog has always been all about half truths”

As a “founder reader” of both PW and CSPK blogs, I digress. PW forums used to be (and still is, a service not provided by CSPK) an enthusiast community and the PW Blog was the same. Somewhere around a few years ago, they became very commercial and began (declared and undeclared) paid content, clickbait articles and promotion of their own vehicle inspection and ad services etc.

By: Mehdy Hassan Sat, 18 Jun 2022 09:38:38 +0000 In reply to Not a Robot...

agree… several times i tried commenting on pakwheels and even pro pakistani but in pakwheels comments never get approved, and pro pakistani deletes them too quickly.. wonder how those $h*tty comments by Khurram and Waqas only gets approved or perhaps they are on PW’s payroll?

By: TruongNguyen Sat, 18 Jun 2022 09:24:26 +0000 I have seen and written myself so many comments on that blog questioning and disagreeing with their obviously paid posts only to see them never get published or get deleted after an hour. I have also seen literally any other commenter's comment get deleted too after an hour. It's like PakWheels is using these two "namunays" as their puppets on strings for the sake of showing themselves as an authentic and trustable media source. At least that's what I think 😉]]> In reply to Not a Robot...

It is simply because they are well aware that someone who is even slightly more intelligent than these two will surely question their writing, their authenticity, and their source of material. 😁 I have seen and written myself so many comments on that blog questioning and disagreeing with their obviously paid posts only to see them never get published or get deleted after an hour. I have also seen literally any other commenter’s comment get deleted too after an hour.

It’s like PakWheels is using these two “namunays” as their puppets on strings for the sake of showing themselves as an authentic and trustable media source. At least that’s what I think 😉

By: Ali Khan Sat, 18 Jun 2022 05:05:29 +0000 Or watch any of their review video of any car/suv that is not Jap. The subtle hints used to draw attention back to the Japs is wow! 😵 The only reason they allow such people to stay on their blog is misinformed/ ill-informed statements from such individuals confuse the general public about important issues and spread needless conspiracies and or hearsay. If someone has an issue with the misinformation on their forums, not their responsibility. They are the words of individuals and the blog is not responsible. How very convenient. Meanwhile the local assemblers are sitting pretty and having their way. They even have the government singing their praises and repeating what they tell them to say verbatim. Because they have established themselves as the "doctors of the local car industry". They "doctor" the industry alright! Basically they are the Fox News of the Pakistan auto industry.]]> In reply to Not a Robot...

That blog has always been all about half truths, misdirection and promoting the local Jap assemblers’ propaganda where it benefits them. We are often treated to the clarification “main local assemblers ka mouth piece nahin hon”. If clarifications like that are needed in the first place then there is ambiguity and misdirection in such statement. Check out their coverage of the new Alto launch and their “comparisons”. They used JDM bangers as comparisons not actual cars. 😂 Or watch any of their review video of any car/suv that is not Jap. The subtle hints used to draw attention back to the Japs is wow! 😵

The only reason they allow such people to stay on their blog is misinformed/ ill-informed statements from such individuals confuse the general public about important issues and spread needless conspiracies and or hearsay. If someone has an issue with the misinformation on their forums, not their responsibility. They are the words of individuals and the blog is not responsible. How very convenient.

Meanwhile the local assemblers are sitting pretty and having their way. They even have the government singing their praises and repeating what they tell them to say verbatim. Because they have established themselves as the “doctors of the local car industry”. They “doctor” the industry alright!

Basically they are the Fox News of the Pakistan auto industry.

By: Not a Robot.. Fri, 17 Jun 2022 20:32:09 +0000]]> In reply to TruongNguyen.

what surprises me is that the two most known as pathetic commentors here, are the only ones allowed to comment on PW blog, i mean how and why they approve comments of these two only? whats the charm? 🤔
