Government Slashes Petrol Price by Rs 15 per Liter

The government has slashed petrol prices for the month of May 2020 owing to sharp decline in crude oil prices in the international market.

According to the notification, the price of petrol has been brought down to Rs 81.58 after a reduction of Rs 15, meanwhile the rate of high-speed diesel has been slashed by Rs 27.15 and reduced to Rs 80.10. Kerosene oil and light diesel will now be sold at Rs 47.44 and Rs 47.51 after a reduction of Rs 30.01 and Rs 15 in their prices respectively.

 Old Price (per liter)New Price (per liter)Difference
PetrolRs 96.58Rs 81.58Rs 15.0
High-Speed DieselRs 107.25Rs 80.10Rs 27.15
Kerosene OilRs 77.45Rs 47.44Rs 30.01
Light DieselRs 62.51Rs 47.51Rs 15.0

Earlier, the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) had recommended to reduce the price of diesel by Rs 33.94 per liter, petrol by Rs 20.68 per liter, kerosene oil by Rs 44.07 per liter and LDO by Rs 24.57 per liter.

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