Comments on: History of Hyundai Elantra Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Thu, 25 Mar 2021 10:04:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Thu, 25 Mar 2021 10:04:31 +0000 We must be fair here.
The Toyota Corolla being sold here is the previous 11th gen. That was replaced by the 12th gen in other markets in 2018.
The 11th gen was introduced in the world in 2013. It was introduced in Pakistan in 2014. Even after slapping all sorts of plastic bits on the outside and calling it “facelift”; the fact of the matter is, it is still an EIGHT YEAR OLD DESIGN.
By contrast, the 6th gen Elantra was introduced in 2016. That makes it a FIVE YEAR OLD DESIGN.
Going by the rumours, the 12th gen Corolla MIGHT get here in 2022.
If we are ok with Toyota introducing the 12th gen Corolla 4 YEARS AFTER it was introduced to the rest of the world, we should give Hyundai that much time as well. We should be ok with Hyundai introducing the 7th gen Elantra in a few years time.
We should set the same standards of judgement for everyone.
Lastly, on the issue of quality, the Elantra is always amongst the list of most reliable affordable cars. (Unfortunately in Pakistan due to pricing these cars are considered premium.)
If the Elantra was such a “failing” product, why would Hyundai keep it going for 7 generations with such State-of-the-art upgrades and additions?
