Comments on: Hyundai Group Contemplating Whether to Leave or Stay in Russia Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Thu, 03 Nov 2022 11:00:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Thu, 03 Nov 2022 11:00:54 +0000 At least Hyundai is keeping it real.

A lot of companies have left Russia. It is a given that the minute the war ends and everything starts to go back to normal, all these companies will come clamoring back; because Russia is to big a market to ignore. Hyundai is thinking along those lines. If it leaves now, what are the chances that they will be easily let back in to the country?

The fact of potential huge reinvestment by companies to reenter the Russia market notwithstanding, The companies who have left must also realise that by leaving in the first place, they have proved their business is not reliable. Russia will not be so receptive to let them back in. If it does, there might be some serious red tape and laws put in place to make sure they can’t do a repeat performance of what they have done this time.

With the western countries fast adopting EVs and setting ICE vehicle phaseout dates, markets like Russia might be the last few markets left for them to sell their vehicles in. So companies, especially the Japs, should have thought long and hard about the implications of their decision to move out. This just might have coat them one of their last big markets.

From what I have understood here Hyundai is even prepared to run at a loss if they can just to retain their market presence. At least they are honest enough to acknowledge their need to retain this market and honest enough to admit that profits, above all, matter most to the company stakeholders.
