Comments on: IMC Bags Environment Excellence Award Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Fri, 22 Sep 2023 18:19:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Fri, 22 Sep 2023 18:19:52 +0000 🤣🤣 Well put! With most all other companies, climate responsibility comes from a "can-do" attitude. With IMC, its more of a "do-nothing" attitude. 😄]]> In reply to Greenwashing it!.


Well put!

With most all other companies, climate responsibility comes from a “can-do” attitude. With IMC, its more of a “do-nothing” attitude. 😄

By: Greenwashing it! Thu, 21 Sep 2023 10:19:25 +0000 In reply to Saima Shah.

You have to look deeper into it to find positivity from within negativity.

The meaning of Envrionmental science is to balance the environmental effects of human economic activity.

Since IMC never delivers cars on time, they manage to suppress the economic activity of their consumer, which the customer would have partaken in by driving the vehicle such as leisure or commerce. If you buy a Corolla now, you can begin driving it now. But if you buy the Corolla now, but it gets delivered after 6 months, there is successful saving of 6 months of carbon dioxide and other tailpipe emissions. Vehicle production also causes environmental impacts due to usage of paint, sheet metal work, welding, casting of plastic parts & c. & c. Indus also defers these by a few months, hence the air pollution, water pollution, heat & light pollution and solid waste is not caused immediately, rather, it happens later. Hence the society get to breathe fresher air for an extra few months, unpolluted water for an extra few months.

By now you completely understand how obliged the entire society is to IMC, for putting in so much thought for us!

Indus is not the only company which acts like this. The other carmakers also follow the same practices! So considerate for the environment! Such green policies!


By: Saima Shah Thu, 21 Sep 2023 05:22:35 +0000 is this a joke or what? Imc and environment award? for what their euro2 engines?
