Independence Day for us Pakistanis is a burning green and white symbol. The burn is reminiscent of days when every drop of the soil soaked was red. The previous year didn’t offer any less of a challenge for countless families. With the pandemic striking and some people parting forever, the impression the burn left became more profound with every wound.
When streets once again bathe in a hypnotic array of greens and whites, the 14th of August, 2021, marks 74 years of liberation. The flags, decorations, and badges become the commute for the patriotic air. Everything people love, they include in their joy. This notion applies to all the car enthusiasts out there, too, with their passion for decorating cars on Independence Day.
It is no secret that we Pakistanis encompass the deepest love for our country. Patriotism runs through our very blood. And it wouldn’t be surprising if, at one point, we start bleeding green as well. Green flags blowing through the wind on the 14th of every year are nothing but symbols of gratification.
Like every year, this time, the owners of vehicles didn’t want to hold back from decking their cars. We share happiness with what we cherish, and Pakistan lacks neither on the topic of enthusiasm nor in the automobile industry. Therefore, it was no wonder to see people spending their time assembling their vehicles for the big day.
Throughout the green-white streets, we see cars running down the road painted head to toe in colors resembling our identity. Flag stickers cover the exteriors. And the banner of our freedom itself hangs out from various safe places. Every single badge inside and outside the car is a symbol of originality.
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Car shops have quite the crowd, with people waiting to get their cars dressed up for a ride through the lively streets. Mirror hangings are on nearly every vehicle’s body. With all the green glamour in tow, these vehicles then hit the roads with a blend of swagger and patriotism.
The passion the people here in Pakistan hold for their cars can be estimated right here. We see the attention and the dedication in every painted strip and soaring flag. People spend large sums transforming their automobiles into eye-catching metallic giants.
We are sure to witness rallies upon rallies of such adorned vehicles on this day. Rows upon rows of wheeled pride, marching down historically honored soil, imprinting tracks of loyalty. Great crowds gather around the stalls selling significant and relevant supplies for the day. And with the rate, the selling is nowhere close to its end.
Behind the hustle of renovating car parts and working on decorating the car for independence day is love. Love for the homeland and an insatiable interest in your vehicle is the sole purpose for backing the efforts. Everyone looks for ways to showcase their pride and happiness. They do it, whether by beautifying their houses or adding elegance to their cars.

A random girl who writes when she isn’t sleeping. Her heart is divided into three parts. One part adores sleep while another is deeply affectionate towards writing. The third is a large sensitive spot for her pets. The pets include a cat and a metallic, fuel-consuming giant.