Comments on: India to Get Honda City Hybrid This Year Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Thu, 05 Aug 2021 03:48:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Thu, 05 Aug 2021 03:48:03 +0000 In reply to uffoh.

Absolutely agreed 100 percent.
But what can you do? I often try to inform people about this but no one seems to care or try to understand the implications of this. And those who do are so few and far between, it doesn’t seem to be making any difference sadly.

By: uffoh Wed, 04 Aug 2021 16:19:42 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

India is getting the latest and greatest whereas Pakistan is being bestowed the old & obsolete but where does the national pride and patriotism of our people go when it comes to all things automotive?
Atlas even had the audacity to use the tagline “Good things come to those who wait” (Reference:, it is openly sneering at their customers. Tell them that right time is best, wait too long and the fruit will be stale.
But what can we do, isn’t commenters like Khurram who openly profess their love of the obsolete committing borderline necrophilia?

By: Ali Khan Wed, 04 Aug 2021 14:06:19 +0000 😄😂😂😂 Usman Bhai, sir now you are being mean! But joking aside, I like it very much! It is just what people need to see and hear! A few days back, you did the article on the launch of the 6th gen city in Pakistan. Then right after that, you did the article on the 7th gen city being a hit in the past year in India and is now being updated there with features. Even Vietnam has the latest 7th gen city! Think about it people! These articles prove what these auto companies are doing in the region and how they are taking advantage of us. Even if Honda had to give the 6th gen city, it could have given us the Hybrid version as is the case in Japan. Japan still is rocking the 6th gen city but it is the hybrid version. Honda grace anyone?! With all the hullabaloo that the local cartel caused regarding the concessions they secured with the new auto policy and the fighting they supposedly did for hybrid, don't you think this was the right time to introduce the hybrid 6th gen city in Pakistan and make good on their promise of leading the auto industry of Pakistan to better things? But instead, what do we get... An outdated ICE car that is way over priced and, judging from the marketing, we are being constantly told that we should be very thankful for it. Yeah... Right!]]> 😄😄😂😂😂
Usman Bhai, sir now you are being mean!
But joking aside, I like it very much!
It is just what people need to see and hear!
A few days back, you did the article on the launch of the 6th gen city in Pakistan. Then right after that, you did the article on the 7th gen city being a hit in the past year in India and is now being updated there with features.
Even Vietnam has the latest 7th gen city! Think about it people!
These articles prove what these auto companies are doing in the region and how they are taking advantage of us.
Even if Honda had to give the 6th gen city, it could have given us the Hybrid version as is the case in Japan. Japan still is rocking the 6th gen city but it is the hybrid version. Honda grace anyone?!
With all the hullabaloo that the local cartel caused regarding the concessions they secured with the new auto policy and the fighting they supposedly did for hybrid, don’t you think this was the right time to introduce the hybrid 6th gen city in Pakistan and make good on their promise of leading the auto industry of Pakistan to better things?
But instead, what do we get… An outdated ICE car that is way over priced and, judging from the marketing, we are being constantly told that we should be very thankful for it.
Yeah… Right!
