Comments on: Indonesia Extends Tax Break to Support its Auto Industry Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:59:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:59:05 +0000 This is just sad. This shows how far behind the curve Pakistan is. Indonesia has a huge export business. Whereas our local assemblers are still talking of meeting local demand. Their government sees the benefit of tangible tax breaks to bolster the auto sector while our government is hell bent on giving useless tax breaks that don’t have any significant impact on car sales in the country.
Makes my blood boil when I hear such news. Why is it that our sahibaan cannot show such common sense initiative towards our auto industry rather than always treat it like a second rate issue to toss around between them like a plague?
Why is it that the most unqualified people regarding the auto industry are the ones making our decisions here?
I know I’m going on a rant here but like I said, Such news and such positive straight forward steps from other governments, compared to what I see our idle Idols doing here; just makes my blood boil.
