Comments on: Isuzu D-Max Broke Its Own Lowest Sales Record Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 18 Jan 2020 07:12:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khurram Sat, 18 Jan 2020 07:12:43 +0000 In reply to Raheel.

Thankfully I don’t have enough money to be supposing and telling people what they are. As for height, I disagree, I have ridden in one that my cousin owns, it is a 2005 Hil-ux and I felt while sitting inside it to be higher from person sitting in a Isuzu.
In addition, if you hate locally assembled vehicle than maybe you should trade your Toyota for that mean looking Isuzu I am sure it shall represent your personality.

By: Athar Tariq Fri, 17 Jan 2020 17:04:17 +0000 i think dmax sales suffered when they started to revise prices in quick successions.

By: Raheel Thu, 16 Jan 2020 14:04:30 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

You sir, seems to be a representative of Indus Toyota motors. It is definitely not ugly and has a way better build quality than Hilux. Hilux being locally assembled has shed a lot of quality. And for your kind information, Isuzu is a tad bit higher than Hilux. I am pretty sure you never kept a hilux, because if you did, you wont be commenting on its height. Every hilux owner including me knows that it is a custom among hilux owners in Pakistan to replace the shocks for a higher profile. If you don’t know that you are not a Hilux owner.

By: Zulfiqar Thu, 16 Jan 2020 06:19:51 +0000 I mostly see fake comments probably from IMC funded or marketing team.

By: Rohail Yahya Wed, 15 Jan 2020 07:57:08 +0000 Well Isuzu Dmax is a relatively new addition to the market with no global standing or history of reliability and performance. Thailand is the only market where this vehicle is largely sold and limited data is available.
When compared to Hilux or Sportage both vehicles are a global success and have long history of reliability and after sales service.
Personally i found DMax to be 2 steps below hilux in terms of quality and workmanship.

By: Khurram Wed, 15 Jan 2020 06:12:28 +0000 It is an ugly looking ute, I saw it the other day, and on top of that it sits lower to the ground than a Toyota Hil-ux, thereby, making you feel as though you are sitting in a car with high ground clearance while further forbidding the user to drive it through potholes of Karachi at speeds above 40 to 50 km. Now, one cannot expect that from 4*4, forget that an adventurist explores the country, how can he do that while driving in Sind or Balochistan? Add to that the durability factor, the Hil-ux buyer is able to enjoy after-sales service at parts that are long life and cheaper to fund.
From my usage of a Toyota Corolla and Suzuki, I have learned one thing, no matter you polish it regularly or not, get it serviced or tuned after long time. Toyota or Suzuki vehicles rust with delay and their engine holds on, their color, black in our car’s case, lasts longer too. Our 2010 January Corolla is better looking on the underside from 2018 Nissan (imported), Civic or City or even recently launched KIA Carnival, only KIA car, that I have seen so far. Even much hyped Sportage had been able to lose a bit of color from its door handles within how many? Just about two months and they call this quality. My Corolla may not contain Tyre puncture alert, it does not even have an airbag but its color is Allhamdulillah fine. I just pray that for Allah’s sake I.M.C. take pity on its customers and price the base variant Yaris a bit lower than reported PKR 2.3 million at-least for tax-filers.
