Comments on: Mazda E2200: A Staple of Pakistan’s 1990s Transport Boom Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 29 Sep 2024 19:44:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Any chance of article on B2200? Sun, 29 Sep 2024 19:44:01 +0000 There were a number of B2200 double-cabin 4×2 pickups on the streets. Also marketed in 4×4 form as the Ford Courier by Allied Engineering. IIRC SSGC had many 4th gen. B2200s in LCV 4×2 with low ground clearance and 2nd gen. Mitsubishi L200s in 4×4 form which were naturally raised having high ground clearance.

By: "Mazda Hi-X" Sun, 29 Sep 2024 19:35:10 +0000 The E2200 was also used in some terrorism activities, one of them being the high-profile assassination of Hakeem Muhammad Saeed of Hamdard Foundation in 1998.
Hakeem Muhammad Saeed was an ethnic Uyghur from Xinjiang, his family had migrated from Xinjiang to Peshawar to Multan to Dehli (commonly written as Delhi in English) and at the time of Partition, Hakeem Muhammad Saeed migrated to Pakistan while his older brother continued the Hamdard Matab in Dehli.

Hakeem Muhammad Saeed was a widely-loved national figure – a philanthropist, book-writer, educationist and healer, well recognized nationally and internationally, also a former governor of Sindh. He was especially known by children because of his focus on producing quality literature for children through a children’s monthly magazine Hamdard Naunehal whose editor was another book-writer and book-translator Masood Ahmad Barakaati. At that time the whole nation was in shock, grieving and in a state of disbelief, thus the print media gave the case coverage for a long time. Every day there was sizzling new news about how some investigative reporter has new knowledge of who committed this gruesome crime.
I was in middle school at that time and daily read newspapers for the Current Trends section of Social Studies subject. I clearly remember the newspapers writing “Mazda Hiace” and Mazda “Hi-Axe” again and again, demonstrating the lack of automotive knowledge of crime reporters, editors and proofreaders and the haste with which they wanted to report the breaking news. It also shows the genericization of the HiAce product name which is in actual a registered brand name owned by Toyota.
