Comments on: Modern Cars are Breeding Grounds for Data Privacy Violations Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 16 Sep 2023 04:29:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Japanese culture, not as innocent as it seems Sat, 16 Sep 2023 04:29:02 +0000 "</blockquote> Why is it disturbing? People are free to use their cars as they like as long as they are not violating social norms, traffic safety, God's rights & human rights. It is not unethical nor illegal nor haraam to conduct xyz in a vehicle, unless it is the type of xyz which would be forbidden elsewhere too. <blockquote>Quoted: 'leave it to the Japanese to lead the pack even in this very disturbing “endeavor” '</blockquote> Japan is the land of the rising sun. A lot of East Asia is also the land of the rising voyeurism (given by people finding upto 15 hidden cams in one single hotel room, check the reviews and youtube comments on cam-finding videos) and frotteurism (= <em>taikna</em> in local slang) which is a pain lots of unsuspecting Japanese victims routinely go through while locking their bicycles. When you get to know more about Japan, the repute is that the weirdest of fantasies comes true there. Is it a surprise that now corporations are also voracious voyeurs?]]> In reply to Ali Khan.

Quoted: “What the heck are people doing in their cars?! This is disturbing… 😨”

Why is it disturbing? People are free to use their cars as they like as long as they are not violating social norms, traffic safety, God’s rights & human rights.

It is not unethical nor illegal nor haraam to conduct xyz in a vehicle, unless it is the type of xyz which would be forbidden elsewhere too.

Quoted: ‘leave it to the Japanese to lead the pack even in this very disturbing “endeavor” ‘

Japan is the land of the rising sun.
A lot of East Asia is also the land of the rising voyeurism (given by people finding upto 15 hidden cams in one single hotel room, check the reviews and youtube comments on cam-finding videos) and frotteurism (= taikna in local slang) which is a pain lots of unsuspecting Japanese victims routinely go through while locking their bicycles.

When you get to know more about Japan, the repute is that the weirdest of fantasies comes true there. Is it a surprise that now corporations are also voracious voyeurs?

By: Ali Khan Fri, 15 Sep 2023 18:58:43 +0000 🤣 What...?! How...?! What the heck are people doing in their cars?! This is disturbing... 😨 <em>"</em><em>Nissan stands out as the most problematic"</em> Again, leave it to the Japanese to lead the pack even in this very disturbing "endeavor". They are seriously behind the rest in the EV race and <u>this</u> is what they focus on. Maybe a rethink of their priorities is in order.]]> Ok. So the companies are collecting data on the users. Nothing new there.

The more alarming thing is “sexual data”. 🤯🤣 What…?! How…?! What the heck are people doing in their cars?! This is disturbing… 😨

Nissan stands out as the most problematic”

Again, leave it to the Japanese to lead the pack even in this very disturbing “endeavor”.

They are seriously behind the rest in the EV race and this is what they focus on. Maybe a rethink of their priorities is in order.

By: Data Privacy Violation ... Fri, 15 Sep 2023 05:56:46 +0000 In reply to UsmanAnsari.

Now it is read Data Privacy Violation in quite a dramatic manner hhhhh!

By: UsmanAnsari Fri, 15 Sep 2023 04:35:16 +0000 In reply to Data Breach vs Data Harvesting.

I don’t agree with the thumbnail which says Data Breach

now check 🙂

By: Data Breach vs Data Harvesting Fri, 15 Sep 2023 04:10:57 +0000 Also consider

I don’t agree with the thumbnail which says Data Breach.
Data Breaches occur due to security lapse (which is sometimes wilful/deliberate too due to ignoring modern data security practices or data security regulations). What is under discussion in this report is the deliberate act of Data Harvesting to profit from the customers’ intimate (and non-intimate) data.
