Comments on: How Morocco Become a Leading Automobile Production Hub Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 27 Nov 2021 08:15:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khurram Sat, 27 Nov 2021 08:15:27 +0000 The article is really great, I agree with it in full.
However, I must add that given the comments below, it can be said that another reason for current state of auto industry is the lack of discipline and application of education in Pakistan, unless our people learn it we cannot even assemble Mehran. Even the image shared in the article is sharing an image of the worker working so intently, can such concentration be exerted by the likes of first two comments in their daily lives? Leaders come from people, Moroccans love to work, while ignoring what personal opinion is being shared by peers, whereas Pakistanis like the first two commentators love to deride what the peers have to say, publicly, so it is no wonder our leaders are also laughing in our faces because where are they coming from? Pakistanis of course. Jaisay aimal uppar jaingay, waisay faislay neechay aingay these words are clearly written in Quran for the believers to read and comply with them in their lives. Sadly, first two commentators are not doing it. One of them even claimed that I did a shameless action with its tail pipe.

By: Waqas Wed, 24 Nov 2021 16:41:19 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

That’s not enough, again the taxes are also an income and a protection for the country economy, it is very difficult to talk about only taxes, because we need a balance.
It is also about build quality , when for Honda like te civic they were issu for the quality build a car build for our own market, it won’t be easy to respect the demand of international players.
Here in Europe we are paying even more attention to build quality.
Proton said he want to export car from Pakistan when they had done the agreement in 2019, but they already facing difficulties with the corruption(own/premium) if it wasn’t for covid restriction maybe Proton wouldn’t have that much booking 4500 booking in 10 month it will be a long way,
Also Mr Usman published a University’s studies about the local car industries and if you had read the link he gently posted, the factory aren’t producing car in they full capacity, creating a scarcity of cars thus the seller are taking adventage and selling car at high price playing with the time of the deliveries, all the car brands in Pakistan are like that,again is about corruption
It won’t be easy as you claim to acheive the same fate.

By: Uzair Alvi Wed, 24 Nov 2021 12:18:16 +0000 ]]> It’s a harsh reality that our decision makers have always preferred personal gains over national interests.. it’s going on since years, it will go on like this. 🙄

By: TruongNguyen Wed, 24 Nov 2021 10:44:32 +0000 In reply to Waqas.

We could easily achieve the same feat. We have cheaper labor and good industrial footprint but all of that is useless when we don’t have the correct tax/law incentives to allow such a program.

The steel and parts we use to assemble our vehicles is imported, and the parts manufacturing sector is barely given any incentives. If we were to establish special economic zones to allow factories to flourish with tax free local manufacturing and production, we could easily see this kind of progress as well.

The reason why these companies even bother to go for outsourced production in these countries rather than producing all of their vehicles in their own home country is because of their cheaper labor/materials and good government incentives.

By: Waqas Wed, 24 Nov 2021 10:22:56 +0000 You said :

By setting the right policies, incentives and conditions for foreign direct investment, automotive manufacturing in Morocco has developed from a burgeoning sub-sector to become the top export product by value in 2018 :

Can you give more details ???

More and more international players are taking advantage of Morocco which has emerged as a leading production hub of automobiles in that region.

Which one ???

Here how does it work, in Morocco the salary are lower than in Europe for factory workers, it will of course attract the companies who want to do the most profit they can do, also the brands who are are attracted are always the neighbors, the cost of logistic is also need to took into consideration.
It is called economic and social science.

You article could be interesting but honestly it was very poor in details, you made an article in general terms.

The big difference between Pakistan and Morocco is the corruption, Pakistan is very corrupt the own/premium to his own people, what they gonna do with the international players ?

By: TruongNguyen Wed, 24 Nov 2021 07:29:18 +0000 This is just sad. How even African countries are going further than us and we are just barely getting to know the riffs and raffs of Automobile manufacturing, if even at all.

By: Ali Khan Tue, 23 Nov 2021 18:47:33 +0000 🤣🤣 The sad part is, to us it is down right funny. To him, its the truth!]]> In reply to Not a Robot...


The sad part is, to us it is down right funny. To him, its the truth!

By: Not a Robot.. Tue, 23 Nov 2021 18:31:29 +0000 ]]> how dare you call Bolan obsolete? besides Suzuki to bechara was ready to discontinue but then because of riots by transporters they cancelled their plans, no? also whats wrong if we keep assembling this for another 40 years? and who the hell are you to say bad about this car when 90% of transporters are happy and will pay 40 lakhs for this car in 2055? and you know what i woke up yesterday from the voice of thelay wala who was calling “bolan k paarts layyy loooowww… bolaan ka bumper lay looo……. bolaan k parts wala aagyaa…. 30 rupay paaao”… your latest cars have this luxury of getting parts at doorstep? answer me
