Comments on: New Land Cruisers Selling for Double the Price in Japan’s Used Car Market Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 05 Sep 2022 14:55:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: TruongNguyen Mon, 05 Sep 2022 14:55:19 +0000 😵]]> In reply to Khurram.

Chinese or Korean cars are not being widely influenced because everyone knows that they are not more than cheaply built copies that have been filled with features and therefore, people are not setting store with them.”

Ok wow!! So if you accidentally see a Chinese/Korean car on the road, it means that it is being driven by a cheap Chinese salesman to give the impression that Chinese cars are selling, and that nobody actually buys Chinese cars because EVERYONE knows they’re bad!! Wow!!!

Every day you sound more and more schizophrenic and stupider than the other, it’s funny to watch!
Quick, Khurram! There are Chinese car salesmen living in your walls and they want you to buy a Chinese car! Tear them out, quickly! 🤪😵

By: Ali Khan Mon, 05 Sep 2022 10:32:23 +0000 ]]> In reply to Khurram.

Yet Chinese are the ones who are making EV cars for Toyota. Yet they are the ones breathing new life into old brands like MG and Proton. Yet they are the ones making an English culture staple, the London black taxi cab company, profitable again and even making the taxi cabs themselves. Yet they are the ones making a huge impact with their cars in the middle east and other countries like Philippines, Thailand, Australia etc. amongst many others…🤔

By: Khurram Mon, 05 Sep 2022 07:46:07 +0000 This trend is not specific to Toyota, German and American brands are also going through this phenomenon, the reason is that the market changing in response to policies that are being drafted to facilitate rising cost of living. Chinese or Korean cars are not being widely influenced because everyone knows that they are not more than cheaply built copies that have been filled with features and therefore, people are not setting store with them.

By: Ali Khan Mon, 05 Sep 2022 04:42:09 +0000  As one seller explains, “Buyers exporting to wealthy customers in emerging economies pay high prices.””

And THAT sums up their love for the Pakistani market.

The median price for the ZX has jumped to $129,000. That price is DOUBLE the suggested retail price. EVEN at this double price. It comes out to PKR 28,450,098.60. Or in local terms 2 Caror, 84 lacs and 50 thousand.

So how come people are easily asking 11 carors to 12 carors for this locally. what is the almost 10 carors, over the Japanese asking price, for? What does that include? The importers are fleecing the local people. The government is fleecing the local people as well.

They have basically taken a very average SUV and elevated it to ultra hyper elite status and just asks whatever hits their fancy. WHY? What’s the logic behind it? In all these years, I’ve never understood it. Why such high tax by the government?. Do they destroy roads every time they goes out? What is the logic? They could have just made the actual luxury brands this expensive i.e. lambo, Ferrari, Bentley, Aston etc. Why this strange obsession with run-of-the-mill middle class to upper middle class runabouts from the likes of Toyota?

(And, yes; Speaking of the Cruiser, it is a very good (one of the best) but a very middle of the road SUV. Look on line. We call it luxury here, however I have never seen it added to any of the “lists of the best luxury SUVs” on any reputable website.)

Own culture hits Japan. At least it hit there because of a valid reason. Unlike here where it has been a way to keep the customer in a panic buy mode and artificially keep the demand high for over a decade.
