Comments on: Nissan Planning to Discontinue Leaf EV Due to Poor Sales Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 16 Jul 2022 06:07:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leaf is withering Sat, 16 Jul 2022 06:07:29 +0000 Nissan is just a hollow shell of its former self.
Ever since joining Renault, their offerings are not up to the mark.
Historically Nissan used to be cheap, fuel efficient, cheap spares, durable and pleasure drive low-end torque engines. Now Nissan is expensive to buy, zero-pleasure CVTs which break just after warranty and expensive spares – none of which are palatable for the customer.

Nissan was the first with mass-production EV but it looks like they have been resting on their laurels and zero effort to increase the range or any other customer-desirable features of the car. At this stage EV design has become really commoditized that every Tom Dick and Harry is designing one. Mobile phone companies, internet companies, tech companies and new startups e.g. Tesla have taken the lead but the conventional automakers with over a century of making cars have no clue about EVs. When the spokesman says “We are seeing renewed interest in Leaf with the increased demand for EVs and its overall value proposition. Since its launch, Leaf has consistently delivered strong customer satisfaction and new buyers to Nissan.” it translates to that “we are practically leaving the blue ocean to competitors because we don’t want to compete in the new realms no matter how profitable it may be, we just want to do more of the same and be obsoleted at one point in time”.

By: Khurram Sat, 16 Jul 2022 05:07:30 +0000 Goes to show that EV buyers are few because people with middle buying power are not buying them. Since buyers belong to high buying power based class, they expect too much from the vehicle that is understandable they view the vehicle as social status and would want it to be a symbol of ingenuity. However, I guess rather than discontinuing it, Nissan would be doing well if it were to work on increasing offerings under the name and driving range because people cannot boast a status if the vehicle stuck them in the middle of road.
