Comments on: Normalizing Trade with India, Can Automobile Market Witness a Turnaround? Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:52:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ironhide Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:52:29 +0000 Normal trade relations between India and Pakistan will transform the Pakistani Automobile market, not to forget more important daily life products like vegetables, grains etc which will bring down the massive inflation. Now, all depends on the head of the country AKA The General to ok this because don’t forget the last time PM Nawaz Sharif tried something similar he was thrown out.

By: Ye sab milkar hamko pagal bana rahey hain Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:50:54 +0000 For decades the Pakistani public was brainwashed to hate India by promoting the lots of wrongs being propagated against Muslims in India. Examples of mass-killings, mass-burnings and lynch-mobbing of Muslims were highly promoted. Indian Hindu’s preference of cow-urine and cow-poo is a staple in any discussion about East of the border. The stories of how cruelly the Indian army has been treating the people of Kashmir in prisons and torture cells have been kept fresh in everybody’s mind. The stories of how Muslim Kashmiri women are frequently gangr*ped by Indian soldiers are told in most horror-inducing ways. Generally believable because India has a mass-gangr*pe problem and Hindu women aren’t any more safe nor are tourist women safe from gangr*pe in India.

Now the hidden powers are utilizing mass media to slowly brainwash Pakistani people to accept trade relations with India as a plausible method to improve the economy.

It is all a big game. The masses are not even pawns nor spectators in the game.
