Comments on: Oil Industry Protests over Sharp Switch to Euro-5 Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 09 Jul 2023 03:37:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: 09 July 2023 status of Euro 5/Euro V fuels Sun, 09 Jul 2023 03:37:41 +0000 Well car industry wanted 2 years ( & and fuel industry wanted 3 years and checkpoint where we are now:

Today 09-Jul-2023 is exactly 3 years from 09-Jul-2020, the date this article was published.

Oil refineries wanted 3 years to upgrade to Euro 5/ Euro V, now where is it?

Granted that NRL is producing Euro V diesel complying with the deadline 01-Jan-2023, what is stopping the other refineries from upgrading to Euro 5 petrol and Euro V diesel?

The situation of MMT additive also remains unclear Its usage beyond 1st May 2019 was forbidden, but did anyone comply?

By: TiredOfThisShit Fri, 10 Jul 2020 15:54:35 +0000 The government must hire experienced consultants to formulate such policy in best interest of consumers and environment.

By: Khurram Fri, 10 Jul 2020 04:07:00 +0000 Their concerns for effect of price increase on public is touching, what happened to this instinct when the fools tried to mint money by stocking the petrol? Moreover, these old cars are running perfectly on newer version of petrol than they had originally been designed to run on. I think that using Euro 5 grade petrol in their engine won’t hurt either as it is nothing but a cleaner fuel. Am I correct in thinking that?

By: Guest Thu, 09 Jul 2020 17:33:51 +0000 Oil industry = local oil refineries? Or oil marketing companies?

No name of industry association or the spokesperson is given …

Btw the local refineries have been slacking on the MMT issue. Their deadline passed more than one year ago in April 2019 yet no action.

Now they’re once again protesting because being the sloths they are. Fuel has always been difficult to afford for average Pakistani citizen, these people are crying about the 7-8 rupees price hike whereas Pakistanis have absorbed much higher price hikes with resilience. Now it looks like they just don’t want to give higher quality healthy product to pubic.

Moreover the mal-intent in wanting to switch to Euro 4 can be smelled. They will ask for subsidies, price-gouge the customers and eat khanchas from suppliers and contractors in going to Euro 4. Then in a few years they will do the same in going to Euro 5. Then in a few years they will so the same in going to Euro 6 (and above if new standards arrive). It is too late to adopt a phased approach, better to spend in one go and see a modernaization of 15 years (Euro-standards of fuel usually change every 4 or 5 years).
