Comments on: Oil Industry Urges Govt to Stop Smuggling of Petroleum Products Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:54:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Not a Robot.. Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:54:11 +0000 lol 😀 everyone knows all smuggling happens under the nose of Lumber1s.. sara pesa karnel major brigadier general saab ki jaibo me jata hay

By: They must take it positive instead of complaining Tue, 26 Mar 2024 20:59:27 +0000 OMCs operating within the legal framework” may be true for OMCs, but the local refineries aren’t operating legally at all. They have missed government-enforced deadlines to eliminate MMT, provide Euro 5 compliant fuel and required octane number by years and years.

Smuggled petrol and diesel is by far more refined and low-emissions, it is much better for engine life, fuel average, air quality and general public health. It can be had in barter from Iran by sending them the goods they need under international sanctions. This way Pakistan doesn’t have to pay US$, a scarce resource.

One last thing: It is not a small vial of fuel to be dispensed with a dropper. It is literally thousands of trailers per day. They can’t come in without the border patrol noticing, specially when any and every vehicle coming in from there has a police protocol and travel in caravans, waiting for the line to add up at each police station’s jurisdiction, with a complete list of all vehicles, passengers and goods safely handing/taking over to the next pilot car.

In conclusion the oil companies should take it very positive that their plants and terminals are less than busy. They must utilize this opportunity to perform shutdowns to upgrade themselves to be able to provide Euro 7 diesel and petrol.
