Comments on: On-Money & Delivery Time Coming Down as Auto Market Crashes Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Tue, 29 Nov 2022 16:53:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Tue, 29 Nov 2022 16:53:21 +0000 👏👏</span>]]> One may wonder how assemblers are able to make relatively quicker deliveries in these tougher operating conditions, while they continued to struggle to timely deliver the vehicles in their glory days.”

This easily shows that the companies were/are capable of delivering the vehicles much faster and on time. The only reason they never did was because of their support for the own mafia. That kept demand high and more money flowing in. Now when the crap is hitting the fan, suddenly, the delivery time have improved even in such tough times for the industry.

As the months roll on, we will start to see the full extent of the damage to the auto industry. And quite frankly I’m hard pressed to feel any sympathy for them; especially the dear old three. They started all this. They were the ones who over-blew the negative impact of imports on the local economy and underplayed the benefits. They did this to such a point that now the auto industry has been politicized and highlighted. It is suffering because of their continuous meddling in order to maintain their dominance. They have created mutually destructive conditions. Meaning, whatever lies they propagated to get rid of the competition, those will end up taking them out as well because they themselves are importers. Great going! 👏👏👏
