Comments on: Parking Sensors and Their Usefulness Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 13 Nov 2021 12:53:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Guest Sun, 14 Jun 2020 15:50:43 +0000 Parking sensors are obsolete technology now. Reverse cameras have become so much cheaper that even people with very old cars and low budget are getting them just for the sake of latest fashion.
Meanwhile front camera and 360-degree cameras are the upcoming mainstream technologies. They also come with audible warnings, one of the functions of parking sensors.
360-degree camera is on most expensive ultra luxury cars.
Blind spot cameras are on cheaper luxury cars.
Front camera is on further cheaper cars.
And rear camera is on cheapest cars.
If it does nor come factory-fitted, rear camera with screen is coming as cheap as Rs. 3500/-, comparable in price with parking sensors (as seen in article Rs. 3000). Plus the reverse camera system can be used as entertainment screen, navigation, android mirroring etc.
Why spend 3000 for audio only when in 3500 you can get audio+video?
