Comments on: Personalizing Cars – Aimed for Female Drivers Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 01 Nov 2023 03:36:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: TruongNguyen Fri, 18 Mar 2022 07:26:19 +0000 I have seen Honda waley londas try to justify selling their Dolphin Civic with cut springs, shoddy bodywork, replica wheels, very VERY questionable mechanical work and tires stretched out like rubber bands for three times the market value. And the most mind blowing part; it actually sells!! People buy it at that money! 🤣😅 Maybe I should start doing that as a good business investment? Start scalping Dolphin Civics and Oriel Civics, cutting their springs half the size, adding really shoddily done DIY bodywork and fitting the wheels at such a high negative camber to give even Marty McFly a run for his money... and then sell it for 3x the value 🤑🤪]]> In reply to Mehdy Hassan.

In Pakistan everyone is always resale conscious in case of vehicles. Things like personalization can greatly reduce the resale value, however, in Pakistan…. it somehow increases the value!! 🤯 I have seen Honda waley londas try to justify selling their Dolphin Civic with cut springs, shoddy bodywork, replica wheels, very VERY questionable mechanical work and tires stretched out like rubber bands for three times the market value. And the most mind blowing part; it actually sells!! People buy it at that money! 🤣😅

Maybe I should start doing that as a good business investment? Start scalping Dolphin Civics and Oriel Civics, cutting their springs half the size, adding really shoddily done DIY bodywork and fitting the wheels at such a high negative camber to give even Marty McFly a run for his money… and then sell it for 3x the value 🤑🤪

By: Mehdy Hassan Fri, 18 Mar 2022 04:15:47 +0000 nice but i have rarely seen any female decorating or personalizing her car in Pakistan, although feel they should
