Comments on: Petrol Pricing in Pakistan Likely to be Deregulated Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:37:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deregulation still under debate Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:37:08 +0000 After 4 years, petrol price has yet not been deregulated and the oil industry is as usual a helpless infant raising hue & cry about it likely demise.

Refineries May Shutdown Amid Fuel Prices Deregulation PlansBy Omar Faruq On Apr 24, 2024

These scrapped & obsolete plants bought in condemn condition from abroad giving out obsolete Euro II sulfur & manganese-laden unhealthy fuel to go into their respective graves.
Auto companies are always weeping about orphaned JDMs being sold in the local market, why do they never weep about the orphaned oil refinery machinery being imported in bulk. Eye opener: the global oil mafia is much stronger than the local auto mafia. Often times these machines cause accidents unsurprising since they were retired from abroad because of being deemed unsafe. Many workers die but who cares? Did you see any news of factory workers dying in oil refinery workplace-related or occupational accidents?

They are not happy if the fuel prices are regulated, and they’re not happy if they will be deregulated. Forever unhappy entities, a load on the back of our society.

The Oil Marketing Companies are rubbing their hands in glee though, as they apparently have managed to influence the deregulation policy in their favor. The oil refineries association, petrol pump owners association aren’t happy, and the news doesn’t even mention any consumer association.

By: Khurram Tue, 09 Jun 2020 04:07:45 +0000 May Allah S.W.T. deliver us from the worse side of human being in form of greedy Pakistanis. Thankfully, my father now avoids buying petrol from companies other than P.S.O… I am convincing him to do the same in case of mobil oil as well.

By: TiredOfThisShit Mon, 08 Jun 2020 08:28:51 +0000 This is extremely concerning news.

Competition Commission has no teeth. Historically, majority of its decisions are challenged in court and granted repeated stays by corrupt judiciary. The type of collusion seen with HOBC recently would become common even with RON92 petrol. Corporations cannot be entrusted with guardibg public interest. Their only objective is profiteering, regardless of wider consumer and country’s macroeconomic interests.
