Comments on: Policymakers’ Love With the On-Money Devil Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Fri, 21 Apr 2023 10:16:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: PakWheels گفتگو مفتی طارق مسعود کے ساتھ.. Fri, 21 Apr 2023 10:16:33 +0000 21 April 2023

Recently PakWheels was in collaboration with Mufti Tariq Masood, on 14 April 2023 they published this ~25 minutes long video featuring PW CEO Suneel Munj and MTM direct link

They discuss important issues concerning our society such as traffic manners, road sense, road safety, gender-based issues related to travel & commute and
of course, the on-money issue.
As per the scholar’s statement, the on-money issue is not a B&W halal & haram issue, the guidance given by the scholar will be scenario-specific considering many factors such as what kind of value is the scalper adding to the society and whether it affect prices of commodities. Also his opinion was that travel is a basic need however vehicle ownership is not a basic necessity. Also the on-money should be dealt as a moral/ethical issue as well as a religious issue.

I’m a frequent reader of CSPK Blog, PW Blog as well as occasional listener of MTM’s bayaan. I highly recommend you to read the article and listen to the interview.

The one important question missing from this interview is about the contribution of poor regulatory policies as well as deliberate low-production by the automakers (by not operating at full capacity and by not enhancing the supply/production capacity of their factories as per market demand) from the halal-o-haram and social obligation view-angle.
Another possible direction could have been environmental and pollution viz-a-viz Euro5, 6 and 7 compliance by automakers and fuelmakers. Yet another could be crash safety and active & passive vehicle, occupant and pedestrian safety measures.
Current scope of the meeting has been able to address drivers, parking, traffic regulations and automobile dealers, although the part about policy-making and auto-assemblers has remained untouched.

I hope future interactions seeking guidance from ulema about the various societal issues will continue through PW Blog as well as other platforms such as CSPK. I also hope that MTM & other ulema too will continue playing part in using their societal influence for improvement to our automotive and overall mobility scene amongst other social issues.

May God give us the right direction and the ability to implement it leading to prosperous Pakistan. Aameen.

By: Copied on PW blog 2 days after Fri, 07 Oct 2022 14:32:31 +0000 This article is unique. It gave birth to twins exactly 2 days after being born itself:

By: TruongNguyen Wed, 05 Oct 2022 07:37:52 +0000 ]]> The solution to this very problem has been staring at us since the last 50 years. But the problem isn’t that we don’t see it, the problem is that the people sitting in those big chairs don’t want to see it. 🙃

By: Not a Robot.. Wed, 05 Oct 2022 06:56:30 +0000 the solution is always simple, but govt is deliberately looking here n there, because they are partner in crime

By: Ali Khan Wed, 05 Oct 2022 05:22:37 +0000 " Good for optics!</span> <span>Then, once they can easily put one over the ill-informed awam, complete silence! Their goals are achieved! Their donations are in hand. Job Done!</span> <span>Its been some time since the last round of cries for donations..... Any day now...</span> <span>(Such people and commissions are also the reason our auto policies are all garbage. The auto companies also can easily manipulate them because of their complete lack of knowledge about the issues. Their decision is based on the quality of the suit of the auto industry rep and not on the quality of the data presented. 🤦‍♂️😡😤)</span>]]> Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE)…

So this has been researched by people easily accessible by our con-artists in charge. Yet nothing is done.

What some one once told me now seems so true. He said that those in the government with power all know what the score is and how to fix it. They need to, because they can hold it over the heads of the local auto players every time they repeat their mantra “raise the donations or else!”

We see that happening quite often. When more donations are required, the auto sector suddenly become the focus of their undivided attention. Commissions and committees are made. But such bodies are filled with “well educated ignorants”. They have no knowledge of the issues nor are they inclined to get the knowledge. They do no research and no proper or meaningful evidence is collected. Kursi par baita hun. That is all that matters!

As you said there is no shortage of evidence. Journalists have written about it for years and such papers have come out of government and private institutes for years. Yet complete ignorance and a blind eye is turned towards this data by the “well heeled” commissions and committees, populated with commissioned officers with their noses up in the air and their minds totally blank. They present half researched or barely researched pieces of fluff and their “expert recommendations” are followed. A god send for the con-artists in charge. The con-artists can easily show their “commitment and sincerity” in dealing with the issue. “look we made the committee and everything. Its all very technical! 🤦‍♂️” Good for optics!

Then, once they can easily put one over the ill-informed awam, complete silence! Their goals are achieved! Their donations are in hand. Job Done!

Its been some time since the last round of cries for donations….. Any day now…

(Such people and commissions are also the reason our auto policies are all garbage. The auto companies also can easily manipulate them because of their complete lack of knowledge about the issues. Their decision is based on the quality of the suit of the auto industry rep and not on the quality of the data presented. 🤦‍♂️😡😤)
