Comments on: Prioritizing Small Hybrid Cars in Pakistan Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:27:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:27:46 +0000 Agreed. Like I said before, if the government is serious about this, it will start the proper import of small sub 1000CC ICE cars and hybrid cars at very low tax rates to cater for the demand. To do this properly it must also curtail as much of the higher engine capacity/ luxury vehicles as it can to keep costs under control. Who knows; maybe when the local assemblers see the potential demand, they might finally give in and get on the small affordable cars band-wagon. "the automotive industry must prioritize the needs of the many over the desires of the few" Well said! 👏👏👏 Spock would be honored. 😊]]> 👍

Like I said before, if the government is serious about this, it will start the proper import of small sub 1000CC ICE cars and hybrid cars at very low tax rates to cater for the demand. To do this properly it must also curtail as much of the higher engine capacity/ luxury vehicles as it can to keep costs under control.
Who knows; maybe when the local assemblers see the potential demand, they might finally give in and get on the small affordable cars band-wagon.

“the automotive industry must prioritize the needs of the many over the desires of the few”
Well said! 👏👏👏 Spock would be honored. 😊
