Comments on: Proton Says Goodbye to Exora MPV Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Fri, 20 Oct 2023 05:22:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Fri, 20 Oct 2023 04:39:54 +0000 All the local assemblers have made their position clear on one thing; Only sell expensive models because that is where the money is. Having said that, the Geely Jaiji or what ever proton will call it, will be a good addition to the market.

However there is also potential here for proton to go beyond their current limited business approach. If you remember, in Vietnam, Vinfast bought the old tooling for old GM models and localized their production in Vietnam. Proton can do something similar here. It can buy the old tooling for the now discontinued Exora and give top priority to producing it in Pakistan. This way it can also explore exporting it to other nations around us.

And, when you look at it, even if it is 14 years old, it still looks pretty good.
