Comments on: Ransomware Group Claims 100 GB of Data Stolen From Nissan Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 06 Jan 2024 08:48:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Data hoarding must stop now Sat, 06 Jan 2024 08:48:40 +0000 In reply to Why do they even have that much data?.

They have that much data because data selling is also a business.
Not only the ad-servers are buying and selling data, your ISP is also selling your data, pretty much every website you visit is buying and selling data, thousands of times per second, and the acceptance of all that is hidden somewhere in the fine print of Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and under the fancy abusive-manipulative term of “How we serve our customers”.

The hypocrite society is debating toxic masculinity and toxic femininity meanwhile toxic governance and toxic business practices are nowhere on the radar.

GDPR tries to ensure that businesses collect no more data than necessary to provide the service, and save it for no longer than required for giving that service. It is a common sense security practice, which is not so common.
The only sure way not to lose data is to not store it in the first place. If you don’t need it, don’t collect it. If you collect it, don’t store it any longer than needed.” See more

By: Why do they even have that much data? Fri, 05 Jan 2024 15:20:34 +0000 100 GB !!! is a loooot of data.
That is why the European GDPR-type laws are so important. The law comes from a presupposition that companies will be breached any time so they must have reason to keep the data they are keeping. Random hoarding of data is not permissible. They must acquire and store the minimal of data so that when (not if) it is stolen, the loss is limited.

Something of the sort is also under progress in Pakistan by the name of Personal Data Protection Bill since 2014 or even before. It had been ratified by the Senate in 2022 https;//www,ajj,tv/news/30278741/, but still not enacted as an Act or Ordinance.

You can find the latest draft at the Draft Legislation page or through direct link
