Comments on: Regal Increases DFSK & Prince Prices Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Thu, 02 Feb 2023 11:28:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Thu, 02 Feb 2023 11:28:45 +0000 At the risk of incurring the wrath of the fanboys, but speaking from a strict primary family vehicle point of view, the DFSK Glory 580 Pro is still the better deal when compared to the Civic or Corolla. More seating capacity, more usable space etc.
Unfortunately, this is still the underdog of the local passenger vehicles. It is mostly overlooked even though it has had no major/serious complaints against it.

And speaking of quality, a couple of years ago, they had a big demo and marketing drive where they took a couple of Glory 580 pros all over Pakistan. Those SUVs were driven to all their venues where thousands of people sat in them played around with their controls and drove them. yet no horror stories were reported after the event (as far as I know). That speaks volumes to the quality I think. If that is the case I think the quality of these vehicles is on par with the local Japanese brands if not better.
I wonder why the company never took advantage of this point?…
