Comments on: Silent Majority is Still Doubtful About EVs, Says Akio Toyoda Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 21 Dec 2022 18:35:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Wed, 21 Dec 2022 18:35:58 +0000 😆 And this change to EV did not happen over night. Just like the Shift to fossil fuels did not happen over night. It was a process that spanned hundreds of years and people experimented with different types of means of propulsion. From Steam power to hydrogen to gas to oil. The thing was that back then the time and technology was right to land on fossil fuels as the fuel of choice. Now the technology and timing is right for electric vehicles. Accept the change and adapt or resist and go the way of the dodo bird. Your choice...]]> Just over a hundred years ago, the “silent majority” was doubting the spread and popularity of the ‘horseless-carriage’ and how it “was just a fad”. However, now, the ICE vehicles are the norm and the horse driven carriages are the fad.

This current change over to EV is the same. Just like the old companies or businesses which were reliant on horse carriages for their income, these companies who are reliant on fossil fuel cars will fight this change to EV tooth and nail. Even though they are seeing the writing on the wall and even though they are themselves scrambling to ramp up their own EV production. Talk about irony. 🤦‍♂️😆

And this change to EV did not happen over night. Just like the Shift to fossil fuels did not happen over night. It was a process that spanned hundreds of years and people experimented with different types of means of propulsion. From Steam power to hydrogen to gas to oil. The thing was that back then the time and technology was right to land on fossil fuels as the fuel of choice.
Now the technology and timing is right for electric vehicles.

Accept the change and adapt or resist and go the way of the dodo bird. Your choice…
