“The notice further stated that the offer price of Rs 406 per share represents a premium of 37.5% over the closing price of Rs 295.36 per share on November 30, 2023, the last trading day before the announcement of the offer. The offer price also reflects a premium of 38.8% over the average closing price of Rs 292.54 per share for the last 6 months.“
From where do they quote this 295.36/share? The lowest trading price on 30th Nov was 535.67 PKR/share. Check for yourself:
The closing price could have been minimum as well as it could have rebound a little bit so the closing price could even be higher than 535.67/-
295.36×1.375=406.12, these 12 paisas are not mentioned.
12 paisas×22,145,760 shares=PKR 2,657,491.20, huhuhuhu.