Comments on: Team Japan To Save Internal Combustion Engines From Extinction Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 01 Dec 2021 06:01:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khurram Wed, 01 Dec 2021 06:01:20 +0000 In reply to Waqas.

I agree brother, Pakistan in particular is already short on electricity and uses coal so eventually an E.V. over here would be contributing to higher pollution since it would be mostly relying on a energy generated from coal. I also agree that global warming is a scam and I am glad that Toyota, V.W. and so many people are aware about it.

By: Waqas Mon, 29 Nov 2021 20:38:13 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

I’am agree with you EV aren’t clean at all, they are emetting more polution uring production , during their cycle of life they aren’t running with “green” electricity, in Pakistan we have a big deficity with electricity and we are building charcoal power plant to generate electric, the same EV’s will run with what kind of electricity ?
Khurram don’t worry at least Akio Toyoda is fully aware of the scam behind it, and some are aware about the global warming bullshit lie.

By: Khurram Sun, 28 Nov 2021 05:52:39 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

Re-read my comment dear, I am clearly saying that the E.V. process is so complex that on several parts of it data is not even available about it so no one can say anything about the effects it is leaving on the environment. Besides, Cobalt is still being used because the alternative is being tested.
Anyways I suggest that you evaluate the impacts of mining minerals on the earth’s crust also the process that is used to give them shape, then perhaps you would know that child labour is not only problem that we are talking about. Moreover, please do not say that your way is better because in business there is no one way, there are several and seeking the most efficient and effective is the successful strategy. I believe the governments around the world also know about this and that is why they are not stopping Toyota or any other automaker from selling ICEs I believe that is why now even Chinese have started making hybrids

By: Ali Khan Sat, 27 Nov 2021 17:33:40 +0000 ]]> In reply to Ali Khan.

inevitable expiry date I meant to say.

By: Ali Khan Sat, 27 Nov 2021 15:43:22 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

Many companies are transitioning away from cobalt.

The stigma with Cobalt batteries is mainly from how it is sourced. Through forced labor and child labor.
There are alternatives available. The most common of which are Lithium-Iron-Phosphate (LFP) and Nickel-Iron-Aluminum (NIA) batteries. The main thing that these names address are the materials the cathode in the battery is made from. Cobalt has advantages such as higher resistance to rust and it has faster discharge rates. Meaning a higher instant boost of power. Such power boosts are not needed for us in every day driving and are more for sports cars and maybe heavy duty off-road or work vehicles. That is why many companies including Tesla are saying that they will limit Cobalt battery use to only higher end models and sports models which can utilize the instant power boost from the cobalt batteries. Now, with current gen LFP batteries, the rust issue is pretty much gone and they are cheaper to produce and are just as good as cobalt batteries for the everyday cars.
That is why BYD has been using their LFP based battery tech for some time now and Tesla will also be using BYD LFP batteries in their new upcoming 25K budget EV.
And yes, battery recycling is not there yet but it is coming up fast. In the next decade, the picture will be completely different from what it is now.

By: Ali Khan Sat, 27 Nov 2021 15:21:32 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

Very nicely said brother.
The efficiency if the hydrogen combustion engines is not great at all either. They are wasteful. The efficiency of the hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is much much higher.
And I do agree that Ultimately we will be the target market for the ICE and Hybrids with in the next two decades. Everybody will have moved over to EVs of some form whether hydrogen fuel cell or BEVs.
ICE engines are here to stay for a long time still. I totally agree. Sell it till it can be sold. But what I see happening here is a guy hell bent on finding ways prolong the ICE engine past its elevatable expiry date. You already have the tech to move on, so just move on. Pour money into the fuel cell or BEV instead. Much better future returns I think.

By: Ali Khan Sat, 27 Nov 2021 15:12:34 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

Judging from the local offerings, Toyota is not cheap and is not for the limited means crowd.
If you like, view the video I have linked. Among other factors, it also highlights one of the main problems with Hydrogen burning engines. It is expensive to convert a normal ICE engine to hydrogen combustion engine. (Not as easy as converting an engine to run on CNG).
Also, producing hydrogen currently is more expensive. On top of all that, the efficiency of the hydrogen combustion engine is down to 50% of a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. Meaning if a hydrogen fuel cell car will do 500KM on a single tank of hydrogen, a hydrogen combustion engine car will do only 250KM. It is wasteful. Yes, Toyota can do its research on this engine; there is no harm in that. But what makes more sense now is to concentrate on more developed tech that it has such as the hydrogen fuel cell and BEV cars.
If Toyota was so inclined to keep the ICE cars alive, it would have concentrated on the petrol or diesel ICE cars. That would make sense. The tech is already there and only improvements are needed. But even Toyota knows that it is fast reaching the limits of what it can do with the standard petrol and diesel ICEs. That is why it is now try these alternative fuels. Again why?
Toyota is trying to find and do research into new substances to use in the ICE engines. Substances for which it would have to do substantial reworking of the standard ICE engines. Why concentrate on engines that are by design less efficient? Technology has moved on to a point where Burning things is not required. By using the hydrogen in the fuel cell vehicles you get more use out of the same amount of hydrogen with less waste and less pollution. (the hydrogen burning engines while much cleaner than traditional ICE engines still have some carbon emissions)
Instead of pouring money on this endeavor, do the right thing and concentrate on the more advanced tech they have already developed such as the fuel cell and BEV.

By: Khurram Sat, 27 Nov 2021 08:29:32 +0000 Electric car is not so clean either. It uses Cobalt, alternative to it has so far not been found, lithium, aluminum, plastic and other harmful chemicals. The battery is re-cycle-able, however, energy intensive process is needed to disassemble the battery. Since process is expensive, therefore, there are only few plants in the world and batteries are transported to them. In other words, sheer size of the process involved in E.V. is so far making it difficult to determine its full time impact on the environment. I think that is the reason that despite such spiced-up news people are still buying Toyota Prius more than the E.V. and the governments are not chiding Toyota. Of course the governments can but deep down they also know Toyota has a point. I agree with them. After all this company seriously changed the operations of luxury automobiles and then too Toyota’s decision was scoffed, I believe that later such people were coughing in their sleeps. I believe that once again Toyota would be proved right. I just love how it operates, it is a true re-inventor of strategic management and this time it is not alone, truly innovative companies like Mazda, Subaru, Kawasaki and Yamaha have also joined it, let’s see what they offer.

By: TruongNguyen Sat, 27 Nov 2021 08:01:57 +0000 ]]> In reply to Ali Khan.

Good point! And the thing about ICEs is that no matter how many efforts you take to reduce the emissions as low as possible for whatever government body, you can never ignore it’s biggest flaw that cannot be fixed;

The efficiency.

Every single ICE engine in general is only 30-40% efficient in converting energy to power, even the newest most tech crazy ones. The older you go, the worse this percentage gets. This is simply because of the overall design of the ICE; there is a lot of moving parts, which generate friction, noise, heat etc. This means that with every 100% of fuel you give the engine, only 30% of it gets converted into energy, the rest gets wasted as friction, heat, noise etc.

Electric motors on the other hand, are an astounding 85% MORE EFFICIENT. Three times more efficient than an ICE. That is because there are very few moving parts in a motor (shaft, stator, commutator, brushes) compared to an ICE (pistons, rods, crankshaft, connecting pins, camshafts, rockers, flywheel, etc). There is little to no physical contact in an electric motor (the brushes are so far the only thing that touches the commutator to generate electricity). Even that is remedied in an AC motor, which is brushless and has no brushes needed, and those are the motors typically used in Electric vehicles.

The crazy thing is, this is just the baby steps for EVs, and it’s already this much efficient than ICEs. Imagine how much more we could possibly achieve down the road. And I’m not saying that ICEs should be completely killed off; they can be best used in Hybrid vehicles or as range extenders for EVs, not as main power plants.

Finally, in my humble opinion; the reason why these companies like Toyota are so stubborn and stuck to these ICEs is because of us aka Third World Countries. 90% of their sales are usually in these countries. I mean look at Toyota. Name any completely unknown, never heard of island country before and Toyota probably has a network there already. These countries are mostly if not all backwards in automobile technology and they would like to keep it that way cause it’s cheaper. They could remedy the “no infrastructure” issue by simply launching and manufacturing HEVs that can slowly but surely bring the infrastructure to said country but they’re not even open to doing that cause it’s not cheaper.

They’re just worried that once this EV law gets implemented, there won’t be any outdated models left to dump into these countries anymore. 😉

By: Khurram Fri, 26 Nov 2021 16:11:29 +0000 love Toyota for their thinking to benefit those with limited means. I’m proud of you Toyota. very creative and always innovative
