Comments on: Tesla Ordered to Give Autopilot Data to US Federal Safety Watchdog Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 06 Sep 2021 02:20:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Illogic Mon, 06 Sep 2021 02:20:57 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

According to your above comment and previous comments history in other articles and other websites as well, technologies cannot stand between person and his/her death. Then why are you so obsessed about putting the responsibility of safety on the driver? Surely any kind of calm and cool driving cannot stand between the person and his/her death as well so why not just let them drive rashly?

By: Khurram Sat, 04 Sep 2021 04:32:09 +0000 One death in the most advanced car the world has ever seen in six years! Well, it just proves that even the best made technologies cannot stand between person and his death. I often say that a fear of Allah in driver of vehicle is the only thing that can force him to avoid engaging in idiocy on the road.
P.S. The logic is based on simple psychology about human instinct to be afraid. It is this very intellect that can enable a person to stick to a right path under all circumstances.
